
Tuesday 3 May 2016

Immersion Assembly!

Today is the first of school and I was sooo happy to see my friends! As usual we started off the term with an immersion assembly at the start of each school term, and this term our theme of learning is called as i see it. I am going to tell you want each year level are going to learn. As I made my way to our school hall and took my seat, I was really excited to see what we are doing this term and I could see that all the teachers were very enthusiastic and were wearing fun outfits!

First up was year 1 and 2, they are learning about there favourite things and how to draw them. The teachers shared their favourite things like Mrs George likes chocolate Whittakers hokey pokey flavour! Ms Wild loves her dog named Joe, Miss Peck likes Pandora bracelets and charms. My favourite things is my family! :)

Second was the year 3, they are learning about the seasons and all the colors that come with it. Like spring is full of bright colors and beautiful flowers! Summer has bright colors also like yellow, baby blue and bright green. I think Autumn has lots of dark red, golden brown and orange. Lastly is winter and I love winter! Winter is full of white, blue and silver. I love colors and I can't wait to see what they do.

Next was year 4 and they are creating stuff like building because they are learning about architecture! The teachers made their own version of grand designs where they built a house which was actually just a big tent. They were describing the tent like what materials it was made of and the shape it was. I really want to see what they create and build!

Were almost finished and next we had the year 5 and 6's! They are going to create their own super hero comics with their own characters, which is really exciting! I really wished I could be in year 6 again because it would be so much fun to write my own comic. 

Last is the year 7 and  8's and I am a year 8. We are learning about the four waka and we are going to build models of the waka. The four names of the waka are Hokule'a for green and the earth, Hikianalia for yellow and the rising stars, Hine Monana for blue and the oceans and finally Te Aurere for red and the blood, sweat and tears from all the sailors that went on the journey around the pacific.

These are all the things we are learning! I really liked the year 5 and 6's one because I love comics and super hero's!!! I can't wait to see what we are going to do this year!

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