
Thursday 30 October 2014

Being a Good Friend

WALT: explain to your reader what being a good friend means
Friends… What are friends? Friends are people you can play with, talk with and they can comfort you when your feeling sad. They will be there for you no matter what. if you have a friend that is unkind and greedy to others then thats not a good friend.

Being a good friend means that you are kind to all your friends no matter how different they are. If one of your friends is sad or lonely don't just stand there and look at her(or him) do something! Try to make them feel better or go find a teacher so they can find the person who made them feel sad. Don’t be mean because thats not a good way to be a friend.

If you are new to a school and don’t have any friends try and look for one and make sure there the right friends. Don’t choose mean friends because no one likes mean people, try to look for these things Kindness, Loyalty and generosity. Look really closely to find those three or two things. When you find them introduce yourself to them and start talking to them.

What happens if your friends fight? Try to stop them fighting so you can talk about it and find what the problem is or find a teacher to help stop them and then talk about. But what if there hitting and punching each other? Pull them apart and get them to calm down after that take them to a teacher or the office so they can sort any injuries and then the problem.

Everyone should have a friend no one should be lonely and if you see someone lonely go and play with them. We are all human and special in our on way and I hope this helps you with your friends.

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