This google drawing is about how to create an exploding lunch bag. We were given the task to create this for our main literacy task. We were given a choice whether to create a movie of us performing the experiment or create a google drawing showing how, I chose to do a google drawing and here it is! ENJOY!!!
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Safe guide to the lunch bag explosion
This google drawing is about how to create an exploding lunch bag. We were given the task to create this for our main literacy task. We were given a choice whether to create a movie of us performing the experiment or create a google drawing showing how, I chose to do a google drawing and here it is! ENJOY!!!
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Word problems Part 2
This is part two of my maths work for this week. I worked through this very quickly and I found it verily easy.
Tele'a: Word problems 1 W8 T4
Here is my maths work for this week. I had fun completing this and I learnt how to find the percentage of something. Hope you learned something too!
Monday, 28 November 2016
States of matter and Water cycle!
Lucy SOM and Water cycle from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
This term in extension we learned about the the 3 states of matter and the water cycle. We were given the task to create an animation about these things and this is my finishing product! I hope you enjoy and learn something from this movie! ENJOY!!!
This term in extension we learned about the the 3 states of matter and the water cycle. We were given the task to create an animation about these things and this is my finishing product! I hope you enjoy and learn something from this movie! ENJOY!!!
Friday, 25 November 2016
STATISTICS - Data Detective 1
This is my maths for this week! I had lots of fun doing this and I think I learned quite a bit about statistics.
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Fair test or not?
This week for reading I was given the task to create a presentation to explain what fair test is and complete the Bart Simpson questions.
Monday, 21 November 2016
Thinkboard T4 W6
Here is my wonderful thinkboard for last week! This one was fairly easy! Hope you learned something from this!
Instructional writing info
This is my presentation about instruction writing! Where we had to rewrite a set of instruction in our own way.
Friday, 18 November 2016
Earthquake letter
Our thoughts and prayers 🙏 are with the kiwis who have been affected by this terrible earthquake,
I just can’t believe there have been 800 aftershocks! Since Monday's 7.5 quake in North Canterbury. It seems so scary and I hope you are safe somewhere. This earthquake was more powerful than Christchurch's earthquake in 2011, which was 6.3! So this earthquakes magnitude has to be one of the most powerful the country has seen. I am very sorry to hear that 2 people have sadly passed away because of the earthquake.
Seeing all the damages to your poor city makes me so sad for all those people who are suffering. I understand that your food and water supply are low but don’t worry cavalry is on the way! It’s already horrible with the earthquake but seeing all those landslides are CRAZY! But don’t worry and have faith that everything is going to be okay because I do!
Lastly I really want to tell you that please don’t be sad because I know that together you can get through all of this! All my prayers are going to have you guys in them. I hope you believe me when I say I really care about you! I don’t care if we haven’t met I just hope with all of my heart that you are happy! So be strong and God bless you.
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Fair Testing Preserve water
This is our reading work for this week. We are learning how to synthesize information from multiple sources. We were given the task to summarize 2 pieces of texts with a partner. Here is how I wrote it with my partner Ariana
Fair testing,
Preserve water,
Term 4
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Word Problems W6 T4
Here are my word problems that I have completed for this week! It was quite difficult trying to write what I did for all 35 questions but I go it in the end!
Monday, 14 November 2016
We were given the tack to create a poster to show and teach a year 4 about a angle of our choice. I have chosen the Obtuse angle. It shows information about the angle and what it is.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Mixture of problems T4
This is my practice problems for this week.
Fast Rust Task
Walt: Synthesize information from multiple sources.
Success Criteria: I can make links between the multiple resources I access.
What 3 ingredients are needed for rust to occur.
Write a brief paragraph explaining the rusting process (why rusting occurs)
First Oxygen mixes with water then the iron reacts to the oxygen in the water turning it into iron oxide. Next the iron oxide reacts to the water which forms hydrated iron oxide. Hydrated iron oxide is what we call rust and this process continues until all the iron is gone.
How could you prevent something from rusting?
Cover it oil because oil can prevent oxygen coming on to the iron and you need all three for rust to happen. Also paint can prevent rusting as well.
Write 3 sentences explaining something new you’ve learned from this reading.
Monday, 7 November 2016
Science Investigation - Fair testing
Science Investigation
Fair Testing
Fill out the following table to help you explain the Growing in the dark: Plants and light experiment
Aim - what are you trying to find out?
Can plants grow in the dark?
Hypothesis - what do you think your results will be?
I predict that the plant in the cupboard will not grow because plants need sun to grow big and strong.
Independent Variable - what variable will you change?
I will not change anything..
Dependent Variable - what variable will you measure?
I will measure how tall the plant grows in the light and in the dark.
Controlled Variable - what variables will you keep the same?
I will make the type of plant and soil the same. I will use the same type of seed and soil to complete this experiment.
The students of Room 4 wanted to find out what color of bird feeders birds preferred. Fill our the table below thinking of which variables you would make independent, dependent and controlled.
Aim - what are you trying to find out?
What color of bird feeders do birds prefer?
Hypothesis - what do you think your results will be?
I predict that birds do prefer colors because it is said that birds can see more color than humans the birds she be drawn to a bright and colorful bird feeder.
Independent Variable - what variable will you change?
The one and only thing I will change is the color of each bird feeder.
Dependent Variable - what variable will you measure?
The thing I will measure is the amount of birds that go to each bird feeder.
Controlled Variable - what variables will you keep the same?
One of the things I will keep the same is the shape of the bird house and the type of wood I will use because the birds won’t see it since it will be covered in paint. Another I will keep the same is the type of bird food that goes into the bird feeder.
Fair testing,
Science Investigation,
Term 4
Thinkboard Master T4 W5
Here is my thinkboard. For the past week we were learning about BEDMAS.
Geometry W5, T4
This is my maths work for this week. We are learning about geometry and I found this very easy and I enjoyed doing it.
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
p r and q
Here is my maths work for this week. We are learning everything about Algebra! I hope you learned something from this.
Rewriting instructions
Instructions should have clear, simple steps so you don’t confuse the person reading them.
Can you make these various instructions easier to understand?
Pick up an egg, gently hit it against the side of a bowl and empty the contents into a clean bowl.
Crack an egg into a bowl.
Open the fridge and take out the butter. Take off the lid. Get a knife and use it to scoop some butter. Rub the knife onto the toast.
Grab some butter and butter the toast.
Hold the two shortest sides of paper and bend them together. Squeeze them so that the paper is now in half.
Fold the paper in half.
When you hear the sound of the whistle, move one leg in front of the other as quickly as you can.
When you hear the whistle run as fast as you can.
When player One has rolled the die, they should hand it to player Two, who should then roll it too. The person with the highest score moves their counter first.
After player one has rolled the dice, player two will roll and the player with the highest roll gets to move first.
If you want to turn on the computer, look for the round, black power button and press it once.
If you want to turn on your computer look for the power button and press it.
Hold the handles of the scissors and cut along the dotted line, making sure you don’t hurt yourself.
Cut along te dotted line and make sure you don’t cut yourself.
Before you start mixing the ingredients, switch on the oven and turn the dial to 140 degrees.
Before you get to mixing your ingerdients switch on the oven to 140 degrees.
Take the lid off the glue stick and rub the glue on the tab, being careful not to get any glue on your clothes.
Get the glue stick and glue the tab
When you have planted your seed, pick up the pot and move it it near to a window where it will get lots of sunlight.
When you have planted your seed put the pot on the windowsill sot it can get lots of sunshine.
Scandals and Technology Movie
Technology and Scandals from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
This is my extension movie I have made about the technology and scandals of the Olympics. Last term we were learning about the Olympics and we were given the task to create a movie and presentation and pick two subjects to research about. I chose Technology and Scandals. I hope you learn something from my movie!
7&8 Extension,
Scandal and technology,
Term 4
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Simplifying Linear Expressions
This is my maths work for this week. I thought it was difficult at first but then I got it in the end.
Monday, 31 October 2016
Algebra - W3, T4
This is my maths work for last week. As you can see we are learning about algebra.
Scandals and Technology Extension
This is my extension work for term 3. We were learning about the Olympics and we were given a choice to pick two subject that relate to the Olympics. I chose Scandals and technology.
7&8 Extension,
Scandal and technology,
Term 3,
Term 4
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
The 100m mens sprint London Olympics
The atmosphere was filled with excitement from thousands of thrilled people sitting in the Olympic stadium in London 2012. Everyone was watching with anticipation as the nine competitors were preparing themselves to run. It was the finals for the 100m men's sprint. All the competitors had been training themselves for this very day, and now it was time for them to give it their all. As the nine runners got ready to run everything went dead silent. Suddenly a voice called out “On your mark... set...”.
BANG! The runners ran as fast as their legs could take them.The crowd went wild, cheering on the runners! You could see on the sprinters faces that all of them were trying to push themselves.The race was only 10 seconds long and in that 10 seconds, the famous Usain Bolt took the lead. In the crowd people were holding up all sorts of flags to show there support to the runners. One of the runners fell behind the rest but the rest carried on strong to the end!
Out came Usain Bolt coming first. He was filled with so much pride and happiness he continued to run around the stadium. Then the media crew arrived, taking photos and filming Usain Bolt. He carried on running around the stadium non stop, The rest of the runners were no where to be seen as the camera’s were mostly focusing on the winners of the race. In third place was Justin Gatlin from USA, in second place was Yohan Blake from Jamaica and lastly in first place Usain Bolt from Jamaica! It was a very short but very exciting!
7&8 Extension,
London Olympics,
Term 3,
The dead Father, the daughter and the head tree Highlighted verison
Ania was shocked she couldn’t even move! The tree before her transformed into a head! Ania didn’t know what to do so she walked up to the tree and quietly said “Hello?” she walked up a little closer until she was just a few meters away from the tree. “Hello my dear daughter!” replied the tree. There was nothing more then silence until there was a giant thud, A few minutes had passed and Ania finally sat up. “OH MY GOODNESS YOU CAN TALK!!!!” she screamed, she jumped up onto her feet and shouted “WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU!!! WELL I KNOW YOU’RE A TREE…. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! ” she continued to talk and while the tree did nothing but listen. Then it decided to speak “I am your Father! I heard you crying so I planted My soul into this tree”, Ania stopped talking and looked at the tree with what looked like confusion and disbelief. “Father?” said Ania, tears came back to visit her eyes once again. Anias head was now swarming with thoughts which were broken by the sound of her Fathers voice. “I love you Ania” it said quietly. Anias eyes swelled up with tears and her eyes began to blur until everything around her faded away...
Pitch black. That was all Ania could see until her eyes began to open slowly. She woke up to see a roof over her head. "What happened??" she said to herself, she looked to around to find herself in her room. "It... It was a dream!" shouted Ania. Ania didn't know what to do, her dream seemed so very real but how did she get in her bed. Ania was so upset, how could her mind play such a sick trick on her?! Ania felt so sad that she couldn't take it anymore. Ania sat up in her bed and began to cry into her hands...
The Key
Orange - Compound sentences
Light blue - simple sentences
Pink - Complex sentences
The Key
Orange - Compound sentences
Light blue - simple sentences
Pink - Complex sentences
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Thinkboard Master T4 W3
Here is my thinkboard for week 3 and we are continuing are learning on BEDMAS.
The dead Father, the daughter and the head tree Edited verison
The rain was hard and the wind howled as little Ania walked with her head down to the top of the hill. She was draped with black clothing and in her cold hands was a tiny oak sapling, she was planning to plant it on her Fathers grave. Ania’s Father had passed away due to terrible sickness and had been buried just a few days ago. Ania had visited the grave ever since and wanted to give him a present. Even though the rain was hard and cold Ania pressed on until she finally came to the top of the hill. “Hello Father” she said softly as her eyes gazed longingly at the pile of rubble and dirt. “I… I have a present for you” she said as she presented the grave with the sapling. The inside of Ania was empty and yearning for her Father. She walked up to her Fathers grave and planted the tiny plant on top of it. “I hope you like it, don’t worry about me I’m doing great at home!”. Ania lied. Tears came swimming into her eyes and she could not hold it in any longer. She cried, her tears pouring on to the plant like a watering can. Without her Father she felt alone and scared. After hours of grieving in pain, she stood up and headed for home. “Goodnight” she whispered.
The sun peaked over the horizon and Ania was up bright and early to start her chores of the day. Her Father had owned a farm and they had shared the work load. But ever since Ania’s Father died, Ania had to do everything by herself. She decided to go to town to get some food. As Ania was walking with her shoulders drooping an old friend of hers came up to Ania and said “HEY! Did you see that big tree on the hill! It just popped up out nowhere!” Ania looked at her friend and spun around to see a tall, bold oak tree on the hill. “How could that be?! I just planted it last night!” said Ania, her friend looked at her with confusion. “Last night you couldn’t have planted that last night! I mean look at it!” shouted her friend only to find that Ania had suddenly disappeared! Running as fast as she could Ania ran to her Fathers grave to see what had happened to her oak sapling. As soon as she got there she was surprised to see how big it actually was! Ania stood there in disbelief! “Oh my goodness” exclaimed Ania she circled the tree, eyes full of amazement. When out of nowhere the tree started to twist and change into the shape of a head!
Ania was shocked she couldn’t even move! The tree before her transformed into a head! Ania didn’t know what to do so she walked up to the tree and quietly said “Hello?” she walked up a little closer until she was just a few meters away from the tree. “Hello my dear daughter!” replied the tree. There was nothing more then silence until there was a giant thud, A few minutes had passed and Ania finally sat up. “OH MY GOODNESS YOU CAN TALK!!!!” she screamed, she jumped up onto her feet and shouted “WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU!!! WELL I KNOW YOU’RE A TREE…. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! ” she continued to talk and while the tree did nothing but listen. Then it decided to speak “I am your Father! I heard you crying so I planted My soul into this tree”, Ania stopped talking and looked at the tree with what looked like confusion and disbelief. “Father?” said Ania, tears came back to visit her eyes once again. Anias head was now swarming with thoughts which were broken by the sound of her Fathers voice. “I love you Ania” it said quietly. Anias eyes swelled up with tears and her eyes began to blur until everything around her faded away...
Pitch black. That was all Ania could see until her eyes began to open slowly. She woke up to see a roof over her head. "What happened??" she said to herself, she looked to around to find herself in her room. "It... It was a dream!" shouted Ania. Ania didn't know what to do, her dream seemed so very real but how did she get in her bed. Ania was so upset, how could her mind play such a sick trick on her?! Ania felt so sad that she couldn't take it anymore. Ania sat up in her bed and began to cry into her hands...
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
Thinkboard T4 W2
This week we were given a 2nd Thinkboard and I have completed it! Here it is!!!
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Algebra BEDMAS T4 W2
This is my maths work for this week where we are learning about BEDMAS.
Immersion Assembly T4 W2
Last week on Monday Point England school had there annual Immersion Assembly in their school hall. Where they get to learn what they are going to do in term 4 and this term is all about Science and How matter changes from one thing too another. Every team of teachers created a movie or a play to show their students what they are learning.
The first team to preform was Team 1! They preformed a play where the teachers were dressed as witches and they were throwing ingredients into a cauldron and then they put the cauldron into a fake oven. In the end they pulled out a cake and one of the teachers took the microphone and told the school that they were learning how things can turn into a whole different thing. Second team to go was Team 2. This team showed us a movie of how things change by the change of temperature, like how ice can melt into water and how a liquid egg can be cooked into a solid egg.

The final team was team 5 and they did a play about a scientists doing some experiments on the team 5 teachers. One of the experiments was to see if a teacher could have ice put down their shirt without flinching. Miss Clark had ice been put down her shirt and she didn’t flinch the first time! But the last couple of ice cubes she did.
So overall this term seems to be very exciting and full of science experiments!
Monday, 17 October 2016
Thinkboard Master T4 W2
This is my Thinkboard for this week and we are learning about BEDMAS.
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
My Holiday!! :D
My Holiday…
The holidays for me went by very slow and a little bit boring, but I did have some fun times. One of the fun times was when I went over to my friends house and her name is Alexis. I had not seen her in a long time so I was very excited! When her and her Mum picked me up from my house we all went to the take away shop where Alexis wanted to get some chicken and chips. Me and her Mother waited in the car for ages, talking about college and my newborn niece Giovanah. When Alexis finally came back we went to Mac Donald's where I got a Big Mac. After we got our lunch we went to Alexis house to eat our yummy food! As I ate my Big Mac I got to catch up with Alexis as she goes to Pakuranga Intermediate, we got to talk about college and cool things we got to do at school. We sat at the table for ages until we finally decide to go watch T.V.
When we finished watching Alexis seemed really scared so I decided we should watch something she liked. But after a while she was fine again. I loved every minute hanging out with Alexis and for the rest of the day. We just watched t.v which might sound boring but it was really fun! I stayed at her house until 6pm, in the mean time we listen to some songs and did a little bit of musically which is an app where you lip sync to your favourite songs. It was funny cause I keep trying to run away but Alexis pulls my back in.
That had to be my favorite part of my holidays! I love hanging out with Alexis and I really wish I could see her more. I really hope we can do that again.
MC Numeracy, T4, W1
This is my maths work for this week and I had fun working on it.
State of matter Discussion Doc
Discussion Doc
States of matter
Work on this Doc together with a partner or in a 3.
Give three examples of each state of matter?
What’s the difference between the three states of matter?
The particles of solids have a strong bond and have a significant pattern
In Liquid the particles are close together and placed in a random pattern
![]() |
The particles in gas are spread far apart and has a random pattern
Write 3 sentences explaining something new you learned from this reading.
I have learned that everything is made of matter because matter is something that has weight and takes up room.
I also have learned that water molecules are made out of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
The last thing I have learned is that there are five different states, which are solids, liquids, gases, plasma and BEC (Bose Einstein Condensates)
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