The rain was hard and the wind howled as little Ania walked with her head down to the top of the hill. She was draped with black clothing and in her cold hands was a tiny oak sapling, she was planning to plant it on her Fathers grave. Ania’s Father had passed away due terrible sickness and had been buried just a few days ago. Ania had visited the grave ever since and wanted to give him a present. Even though the rain was hard and cold Ania pressed on until she finally came to the top of the hill. “Hello Father” she said softly as her eyes gazed longingly at the pile of rubble and dirt. “I… I have a present for you” she said as she presented the grave with the sapling. The inside of Ania was empty and yearning for her Father. She walked up to her Fathers grave and planted the tiny plant on top of it. “I hope you like it, don’t worry about me I’m doing great at home!”. Ania lied. Tears came swimming into her eyes and she could not hold it in any longer. She cried, her tears pouring on to the plant like a watering can. Without her Father she felt alone and scared. After hours of grieving in pain, she stood up and headed for home. “Goodnight” she whispered.
The sun peaked over the horizon and Ania was up bright and early to start her chores of the day. Her Father had owned a farm and they had shared the work load. But ever since Ania’s Father died, Ania had to do everything by herself. She decided to go to town to get some food. As Ania was walking with her shoulders drooping an old friend of hers came up to Ania and said “HEY! Did you see that big tree on the hill! It just popped up out nowhere!” Ania looked at her friend and spun around to see a tall, bold oak tree on the hill. “How could that be?! I just planted it last night!” said Ania, her friend looked at her with confusion. “Last night you couldn’t have planted that last night! I mean look at it!” shouted her friend only to find that Ania had suddenly disappeared! Running as fast as she could Ania ran to her Fathers grave to see what had happened to her oak sapling. As soon as she got there she was surprised to see how big it actually was! Ania stood there in disbelief! “Oh my goodness” exclaimed Ania she circled the tree, eyes full of amazement. When out of nowhere the tree started to twist and change into the shape of a head!
Ania was shocked she couldn’t even move! The tree before her transformed into a head! Ania didn’t know what to do so she walked up to the tree and quietly said “Hello?” she walked up a little closer until she was just a few meters away from the tree. “Hello my dear daughter!” replied the tree. There was nothing more then silence until there was a giant thud, A few minutes had passed and Ania finally sat up. “OH MY GOODNESS YOU CAN TALK!!!!” she screamed, she jumped up onto her feet and shouted “WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU!!! WELL I KNOW YOU’RE A TREE…. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! ” she continued to talk and while the tree did nothing but listen. Then it decided to speak “I am your Father! I heard you crying so I planted My soul into this tree”, Ania stopped talking and looked at the tree with what looked like confusion and disbelief. “Father?” said Ania, tears came back to visit her eyes once again. Anias head was now swarming with thoughts which were broken by the sound of her Fathers voice. “I love you Ania” it said quietly. Anias eyes swelled up with tears and her eyes began to blur until everything around her faded away...
Pitch black. That was all Ania could see until her eyes began to open slowly. She woke up to see a roof over her head. "What happened??" she said to herself, she looked to around to find herself in her room. "It... It was a dream!" shouted Ania. Ania didn't know what to do, her dream seemed so very real but how did she get in her bed. Ania was so upset, how could her mind play such a sick trick on her?! Ania felt so sad that she couldn't take it anymore. Ania sat up in her bed and began to cry into her hands...
The Key
Orange - Compound sentences
Light blue - simple sentences
Pink - Complex sentences
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