
Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Fast Rust Task


Walt: Synthesize information from multiple sources.  
Success Criteria: I can make links between the multiple resources I access.

What 3 ingredients are needed for rust to occur.

Write a brief paragraph explaining the rusting process (why rusting occurs)
First Oxygen mixes with water then the iron reacts to the oxygen in the water turning it into iron oxide. Next the iron oxide reacts to the water which forms hydrated iron oxide. Hydrated iron oxide is what we call rust and this process continues until all the iron is gone.

How could you prevent something from rusting?

Cover it oil because oil can prevent oxygen coming on to the iron and you need all three for rust to happen. Also paint can prevent rusting as well.

Write 3 sentences explaining something new you’ve learned from this reading.
  1. Salt can make rusting happen faster
  2. You can not rust iron in boiled water because all the oxygen has left the water through the steam
  3. The symbol for iron is Fe

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