I can't believe that the holidays are almost over and school starts next week! This weeks been lots of fun and I have enjoyed being with my family! I wish it could last longer but I'm really excited to see all my friends. This week was all about me, my sister and my niece! My niece is soooo cute and I love playing with her, she is just a baby and hanging with my big sis is fun too. I love making my little niece laugh! I put her on my shoulders and she loves it, we go into my mum and dads room and look in the mirror with her on my shoulders she thinks its really funny! She always puts her forehead on mine and yells at the same time, I have no idea why she is doing it but its so cute! On Wednesday me, my mum, my sister and my niece traveled to the shoe store where me and my sister bought some new shoes! I got a new pair of dark blue sneakers and they look really cool, my sister bought some brown ankle boots. Next we went to Martha's backyard where they sell lots of american products, there we bought some snacks like chips, popcorn and cookies.
If you saw my other holiday post you know that on the first week of the holidays I went to a holiday swimming program from Monday to Thursday. Where me and my friend khaia walked to the Glenn Innes pools to learn about how to be safe in the water and have fun. There were lots of kids there too, and they were all really fun to hang out with and have fun with in and out of the pool. We always start with a game outside then we hop into the pool and learn a few swimming strokes. We even got to go a inflatable boat in the swimming pool, we got to capsize the boat, it was really funny because when the boat flipped over it landed on top of me so I was under the boat! We would play flipper ball in the pool which is lots of fun, you just need to get the ball to touch the wall of the other side of the pool to score a goal. The team I was in won twice! It was really cool cause I helped score the goals. The last thing we would do was finish off with a game and we could win CHOCOLATE!! I won a few bars of chocolate and they were yummy! I was always tired after swimming but it was really fun. I really can't wait to go there again I had lots of fun and I met some cool kids too.
Lastly I learnt the four R's which we use to help someone drowning and they are very important. The four R's stand for recognize, respond, rescue and revive. First is recognize, you have to know if they are drowning or not, like see if their heads are under the water and if their arms are flying everywhere. Second is rescue, If they are drowning don't swim up to them because they well use you to push themselves up to get some air and you might end up being the one in danger. So instead of swimming up to them throw them something that can float like an big empty bottle, so they can stay afloat and remember to keep talking to them like say that they are going to be okay and tell them that you are going to help them and that they should keep calm. The next part of rescue is to find a rope, when you have a rope kneel down and put your knee on the rope, then wrap the rope around your hand and get a tight grip. Lastly throw them the rope and when they grab it pull them in, then when you grab the person drowning grab their two hands and put your hands on theirs. The last R is revive and if you can pull them to safety and tell someone to call the ambulance, if you know how to do CPR then go ahead and do it but if not just wait for the ambulance to get there and just comfort the person. So thats what you need to do if someone is drowning!
Thursday, 28 April 2016
Addie accident Book Review
This is my book review for the book Addie accident. We were given the task to do one Book review in the holidays, so here is mine!
Addie Accident,
Book review,
Term 2
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
HOLIDAYS!!!!! :)
For the 2 days I have been on HOLIDAY!!! Its been amazing and I love been able to sleep in. For the past 2 days and today my friend Khaia and I have gone to a swimming holiday program, where we learn how to swim and learn about life jackets and how to help people when they are drowning. We also get to play games in the water like water polo and flipper ball. We also get to play games outside the water like hide and seek tiggy and bang. So far its been lots of fun and this program finishes on Thursday which is really sad because I have had lots of fun, but of course there's always next time!
I hope everyone has a great school holiday and stay safe around water! Leave a comment and tell me what you have been doing this week!
I hope everyone has a great school holiday and stay safe around water! Leave a comment and tell me what you have been doing this week!

Friday, 8 April 2016
Author study
This is my Author study where we have to pick an author and answer the question on my school site.
Fiafia 2016
My head was filled with excited thoughts about our Fiafia concert. Every two years at Point England school we have a big cultural concert, where all of the students who attend Point England school get to select a dance group they appealing to them, like Niuean, Samoan, Hip hop and lots of others. This year I have chosen to be in the Samoan group. I selected this group because this is my culture and I enjoy dancing the Samoan style because its so graceful and fun.
On Wednesday and the school is going to walk through all of the groups, tomorrow night at 7pm is when we do the real thing! I’m sooooo excited to dance and show my culture to the world!!!! I am not nervous at all! I have been doing this ever since I first started at Point England school.
For Fiafia the school sets up a big stage on the field, for us to dance on. The stage is big and there is a big tarpaulin above the stage so if it rains the performers will not get wet. On our school court you can buy a space to put up a stall to sell food and drinks. I can’t wait to see all the wonderful food and taste them! I really want to buy a delicious, sweet and crunchy TOFFEE APPLE! Even though I am not very fond of apples, I love how the toffee makes it very satisfying.
Yesterday was the real thing and it was amazing! I enjoyed soooo much, and I was a little upset that I didn't get a toffee apple :(. My favorite groups were all the hip hop groups, they were really cool and I liked the songs and the energy they put into the dance! I can't wait to go there next time!
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Problem Solving Week 9/10
This week we are still learning about fractions and I'm not very good at fractions but once I understood how to do it, it was easy
Monday, 4 April 2016
Week 9/10 strategy
We are learning about fractions and I thought this as easy and I understand how to work it out
Writing Bush test
Every picture tells a story. Use your imagination and experience to narrate (tell) a story about the photo.
Take 5 minutes to plan your writing below.
T - Walking in the forest
O - Ally a 15 year old girl is very organised and caution. She has Brown straight hair with gemstone green eyes. Ally likes everything to be in order and never leaves home without a first aid kit. She also has a best friend who is also 15 years old. Her name is Tessa who is not at all like Ally because she is very reckless and is very humoruos. Tessa has blond wavy hair with sky blue eyes and loves to eat everything!
P - They get lost while walking through the bush and need to find a way home before Ally loses her MIND!
S - They find the walkie talkie that Tessa lost and use it to call for help and after that the forest ranger finds them and escorts them home safely.
Start your writing here.
It was another normal spring day! The birds were chirping and the sun shone brightly as Ally a 15 year old girl was happily strolling home from school. Ally has brown straight hair and gemstone green eyes. She is a very organised girl and is also very cautions. She loves to learn and also spend time with her auntie Bertha. Ally also has a best friend who is also 15 years old. Her name is Tessa who is not at all like Ally because she is very reckless and is very humorous. Tessa has blond wavy hair with sky blue eyes and loves to eat everything! When Ally arrived to her big yellow house her parents were sitting on the couch watching T.V, “Hi dear how was school?” asked Ally’s mother who looked just like Ally but had hazel nut eyes. Ally set her bag down beside the door “ohh It was just another great day and me and Tessa are going on a hike tomorrow and I know its going to fun! replied Ally. Her mother’s face turned from happy and bright to sad and droopy, “umm sweetheart I don’t think Tessa is a good influence for you I mean she is sweet but you know..” said her mum sadly. Ally ignored her mother and stomped upstairs to her light purple room. Ally flopped onto her bed and thought to herself why her mother thinks Tessa is bad? Tessa is great but she is reckless but Ally didn’t care they had been friends ever since middle school. Ally then thought about their hike tomorrow and she knew that they were going to have a blast!
The next day came faster than lighting and Ally and Tessa were already at the bush. They were so excited and couldn’t wait to start hiking but before they could go they had to read some rules first. “URRGGGH let’s just go already we don’t need to read the rules will be fine!” complained Tessa, Ally did really want to go but she wanted to finish reading the rules but decided that Tessa was right, so off they went. The forest was so beautiful and full with green, The two best friend chatted as they hikied and looked at all the wonderfull things but the great sinery didn’t that long becuase all of a sudden it started pouring down with rain! “Oh no we need to find shelter!” Shouted Ally then Tessa spotted a cave so they ran in and sat down in the cold and damp cave. Ally opened her bag and grapped out to blankets and gave one to Tessa, Ally dug deep into her bag to find the food she packed but they weren’t there! Then Ally looked at Tessa long and hard until “ OKAY OKAY I ate the food, I was hungry okay you know me!” Shouted Tessa sadly the rain poured and poured it was like it wasn’t going to stop. “ I thought it wasn’t suppoused to rain today” said Ally, Tessa reached into her bag and brought out a walkie talkie. “We can use this to call someone” Suggested Tessa as Ally was about to grab the walkie talkie they heard a loud ROAR!!
Compare and contrast map
This term in extension we had to show the differences to how our parents learnt and how we learnt. I talked with my mum and she explained to me how she learnt in Samoa.
7&8 Extension,
Compare and Contrast,
Term 1
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