And for part 2 of The day of Everlasting Darkness! The day was still covered in total darkness it wasn't cold it was frezeing cold because of the moon covering the light and warmth of the sun so it was cold and dark very dark it was almost pitch black! In the castle In Zulas room Sirina and Zula were trying to figure out where Zulas missing sister was and fast because the witches and wizards that all around the world were cold, hungry and they couldn't find their way around.

We must find your sister now! shouted sirina she was mad it has been already three days! And they still have no idea where Zulas sister is. While serena was shouting Zula remembered a spell that could take her to someone but it took one thing from the person you want to see and concentration it was an highly advanced spell but Zula was pro so she ran into her sisters old bedroom and got her sisters old teddy bear it was blue and covered in dust and when zula grabbed tears started coming down her face she and her sister were best friends but this was the day where she was going to see her sister and nothing was in her way.
When she came back into the room Serena was still shouting to herself which looked really weird when she stopped Zula explained her plan than serena said well what you waiting for so Zula started to perform the spell a few seconds later they were traveling to somewhere they don't even know. TO BE CONTINUED.....
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