
Wednesday, 5 February 2014

My Holiday highlight

On the 2nd week of the holidays on Friday me and my friend Alexis and her mum Yayleen went to a place called Jump were you can jump on trampolines inside the building for only an hour.There is also a huge foam pit were you could jump into it or swing into it I loved to swing into it it was so fun!!

We waited for the first group to finish we had an hour per group. Finally they were finished we had to gather to the front of the stairs which lead to the trampolines and the foam pit. Once everyone was gathered one of the staff members came up to tell us the rules. As soon as he finish I sprinted up the stairs and to the trampolines.

I didn't stay on the trampolines for long I went to go and try the foam pit it was really soft and I stayed on it for must of the time but other times I would sit and rest and have a sip of my drink. Later on when we had only a few minutes we all bought our selves an ice cream with our let over money I had hokey pokey.

When our time was finish and our ice creams I went to there house and and played with Alexis’s smiggle stuff and I had the best time until I had to go home.

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