Friday, 20 December 2013
First day of the holidays!
I can not believe that its been a WHOLE year and that next year that I'm going to be a year six and I can stay home and not do any work. Today I'm going to start blogging in the holidays and this is my first and I'm not doing much I'm just at home playing games and I'm also listening to songs like right now I 'm listening to scream and shout I might do something tomorrow though but now I can just wait.But what I can not wait for is.... Christmas! Me and my mum already put up the Christmas and a happy new year.
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
The last days of school...
Today the year fives in room 13 are moving to the extra classroom because they are going to have brand new classroom for the year five and six's and we are going to move in soon. I can see that some of the year sevens and eights are moving in too.
It looks like a lot of work carrying box's and chairs for a long time. I hope I am sick that day. Some of the year fives are staying with us for a while so the can wait till the class room is packed. I wonder what are classrooms will look like but till then I will just wait and relax.
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Apples and Pears versus Kiwi fruit
This is my presentation about Apples, Pears and kiwi fruit. I hope you like it!
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
31st of October
List of Halloween Stuff
This what I think about Halloween
Dress up / I think this is for the Trick or Treating and to stop evil spirits eating your souls (if you want to know more about this read my paragraph below)
Candy / For the trick or treaters that come over to your house and say trick or treat
Make up/ To help your costume look better
Decorations/ You can Decorate your house with scary Decorations for Halloween
Trick or Treating/To go to house’s and ask for candy for Halloween
Scary Stuff/Scary stuff is like spiders and snakes or Skeleton’s and ghost’s
Ghost’s/ You can use some for Decoration so it could look scary for the kids when they to your house
Skeleton’s/ You can to the same with the Skeleton’s like with the ghost’s put them around your house like Decorations
Celtic is a sort of calender which shows the light part of the year and the dark part. I think this is the dark part of the year because of Halloween. Days are getting shorter and nights were getting longer. Lemuria was made by the Roman they believed that if they poured milk or gave cakes that the dead would leave them alone.
Here is how the name Halloween formed
Hollows evening
Hollows eve
Please leave a comment. Trick or treat!
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Year 6 Camp
Next week the year 6 are going to Kawau Island for there camp. They will be doing Swimming, Kayaking,Volleyball and a fitness trail and more. I can't wait till next year when I get to go and have fun like the year 6 are doing this year and do some Kayaking I love Kayaking. Here are some photos that are in the camp. Please leave some feed back.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013
The Whisper in The Barn
“Hurry up Kate were going to be late for school” shouted jenny from outside the classroom door they were in room 16. Jenny was waiting for Kate so they could go in together like they always do but this time Kate was late and jenny was very shy she wore classes and had to fish braids in her hair and did not like to be late for class that's why Kate always goes inside with her. There teacher was Mr Harrison he was a very funny man and did not like kids being late all the time. Kate she was a trouble maker and loved to trick other kids like make them look the other way and pour spicy powder on there lunch she was a bad girl. She has one pony tail and hair always comes out of place no matter what you try. She passed room 13 now 14 and she was getting close to 15 and then 16 almost there she thought.
As Kate was running to jenny you could hear what was going on in Kate's bag you could hear stuff crashing into each other and bang into each other again it made lots of noise just like a marching band that was out of tune. "Umm can you pick up the pace I would like to go inside and not get in trouble" said jenny “Don’t worry jenny we won’t get told off this was just the….” last time you two come late and made lots of noise and stopped the whole school from working with that noise I will have to call your parents to sort you two out but Mr Harrison Kate started that was just my lunch box it’s a one of those metal ones and I also have a metal ruler that’s what the noise was not me look Kate said Mr Harrison softly you got stop coming late if you keep on doing that that might mess up your learning okay said Mr Harrison okay replied Kate.
On the way home Kate was walking by herself she mostly walks home with jenny but her mum picked her up from school. I don’t think that her mum wants her to play with me any more we are best friends thought Kate but I guess that I'm just not the right person for her to be friends. When she got home she heard a whisper that said come to me child come to me…… then the voice faded and she got the key from under the mat and opened the door and looked around the house no one was home then she heard it again but this time it said I am in the barn come to the barn….. it faded again her family lived on a farm but it was closed so her mum brought so they could live on the farm.
As Kate entered the barn she saw a little girl there and she ran away Kate chased her to find out who she was and shouted come back come back then she lead Kate into a corner and Kate said where did you go the splash a bucket of water fell on her she looked and saw her class mates, her teacher, her mum and even jenny was there then they all came down and helped Kate dry up then she saw the little girl who was jenny little sister Jane was very good at acting because jenny plays pretend with her and then jenny told her that this was all a fake but not getting into trouble and t the kids wanted to find out what happened if they did that to you and you fell for it.
After Kate but on fresh new clothes and dried off jenny told her about the whole thing the whisper was just your mum whispering into the microphone which was part of the speakers that your a dad installed and hide them and we all climbed the ladder to the top and Jane stayed at the bottom and the reason I had to go was I had to help Jane get ready and go to your house and the plan was that Jane would lead you here and the class would splash the bucket of water on you. But why would you do that! said Kate well it was just for fun replied jenny what?! said Kate in stoked jenny always had a reason for everything but I guess not today.
Friday, 1 November 2013
The plane Emergence

“You girls ready yet we don’t want you to miss your flight!” Shouted Mum all the way from the car. Were ready replied Leila me too shouted Kate to her mum the same time and raced outside and got into the car good let’s go said and drove off the drive way and went off. I cant wait to see aunt Zoe again said Kate she always has something fun to do said Leila as they hoped out of the car. Now you be good now you to said mum make sure that you help your aunty tears came down her face oh mum are you crying again said Kate. No there just something in my eye of course I'm crying girl what did you think mum said. So Leila and Kate said there goodbyes went inside the airport.
They got out there passports and went to the lady at the counter her badge said Lucy. Lucy explained that they will be boarding on there plane soon and they were on seat F12 and F13. So Kate and Leila ran to there flight number it was 1529 and looked out there window and saw a plane that shone in the sun and on the side said Air New Zealand. After waiting were just in time to board and went inside and found there seats. Kate got to sit next to the window and Leila was next to her. Won’t this be fun we get to see are aunt Zoe said Kate Leila? are you okay oh sorry yay I'm fine just thinking about stuff oh okay said Kate and they took off as they were taking of Kate and Leila got out there books and started to read.
as they were reading Leila looked like she had just thrown up and didn't say a word all she did was stare at her book and then she dropped her book and fell off her chair. Leila are you okay she said nothing then Kate ran to the flight adtent and said my sister she fell off her chair and she isn't waking up oh no I’ll tell the pilot to land to the nearest airport the flight adent and after a 5 minutes they found a airport and landed after that two men boarded the air plane and went up to Kate where is your sister Kate didn't say anything she just pointed to her sister on the floor.
After that they went to the hospital. It took a while before Kate could come in. When she did she saw her sister awake and in bed and Kate ran up to her and gave her a huge hug and said I called Aunt Zoe and she’ll be here in a few hours don’t worry everything is going to be fine.”Thanks Kate that makes me feel a bit better now” a few days later Aunt Zoe burst though the doors of the room and ran up to Leila and started to say all these things but after a while she got her self back together.
Aunt Zoe talked with the doctor and came back to the room and said that Leila had diabetes and she will be fine if she eats the right food. Leila got out of hospital the next day and was given a little machine that checks her blood. When they got to aunt Zoe house the first thing they did was have a rest. When they got home they told there mum all about what happened she was fine after having a nap that makes her feel better when something bad happens. Kate and Leila were fine they went back to school told there friends what happens and that was that.
Friday, 25 October 2013
The Maze of Corn edited version
It was a beautiful morning when farmer Mack woke up. He was a very determined man and got all his work done. He loved his family very much and they all lived on a farm in the countryside. His wife was a very creative women and her name was Leila she was a sculptor who loved to make a maze out of corn like that one time when she made a maze out of huge bush’s it took her one whole year and now she is working on her maze of corn. She would wake up very early to do this. They also had two twin daughters that looked just like each other. The oldest was named Mary and the youngest was named Lola. She was only a year younger then Mary. But they liked different things. Mary loved the stars and planets but Lola on the other hand she loved animals and nature.
At the table everyone was waiting for Leila to come and have breakfast “What’s taking mum so long” groaned Lola I'll go and look for her said Mack and went upstairs to check if she was sleeping in but she wasn't there. Then he went outside and went in the maze of bush to look for her but she was inside the house. She was in the bathroom. She just had a shower to wake her up a bit more and to freshen up. “Where’s your farther?”said Leila with a sigh. Mack always goes out without saying anything. “He went to look for you” replied Mary “yeah I think he went into the maze of corn” said Lola. Oh no!” cried Leila he doesn't remember how to get out! He’ill be stuck in there forever cried Leila the two girls raced outside to see if there dad went in the maze of corn but he was no where. So he must be inside we can’t find him anywhere else said Mary.
I have a idea! shouted Leila Lola go get me a pair of scissors from the kitchen cried Leila. Lola rushed into the kitchen and grabbed the scissors and ran back outside and gave it to her mum. Leila threw the scissors over the maze of corn and shouted Honey can you hear me! Yelled Leila on the top of her lungs. They waited for a repile then they heard Mack say yes I can hear you! He shouted back to her. Good I threw a pair of scissors that you can use to get out! Yelled Leila great a just need to go look for them shouted dad.
Five days later... I found it I found it! Now I can get out! Mack grabbed the scissors and started cutting. When Leila woke up she saw her husband making breakfast. He put on new clothes and had a shower. When Leila saw him she ran up to him and gave him a huge hug so did the twins they all missed mack and were glad he was back.
Thursday, 24 October 2013
The Maze Of Corn
It was a beautiful morning when farmer Mack woke up. He was a very determined man. And got all is work done and loved his family very much he also lived on a farm. But his wife was a bit lazy her name was Leila she did the job half done like that one time when she made the a cup of tea and used the milk but she didn't but it back. They also had two twin daughters that looked just like each other. The oldest was named Mary and the youngest was Lola. She was only a year younger then Mary. But even if they look like each other they still liked different things. Like Mary she loved the stars and planets but Lola on the other hand she loved animals and nature.
At the table everyone was waiting for leila to bring breakfast “What’s taking mum so long” groaned lola I'll go and look for her said Mack and went upstairs to check if she was sleeping in but she wasn’t there then he went outside and went in the maze of corn to look for her but inside the house She was in the bathroom. She just had a shower to wake her up a bit more and to freshen up. “Where’s your farther?”said leila with a sigh. Mack always goes out without saying anything. “He went to look for you” repiled mary “yeah I think he went into the maze of corn” said lola.
“Oh no!” cried Leila he doesn't remember how to get out! He’ill be stuck in there forever cried Leila the two girls raced outside to see if there dad went in the maze of corn but he was no where to be found. To be continued. This is My story the edited version is coming soon!! Below is my score.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Making Pizza
Last week on Thursday the Year 5 and 6 Extension group are making pizza for Labour day!! Labour day is a holiday for workers to have a break from work. We learned a lot by reading about Labour. It was first celebrated on the 28 of October on the year of 1840. There were parades that workers could go to have a day off. Lots of businesses were closed for half of the day.
First we planned what we were going to do and find a partner.My partner was Mary. When we got our pizza base we got our plate and grabbed what we need. We were given grated cheese,green capsicum,pineapple,ham and tomato paste to use for our pizza. The tomato paste went on first. We rushed to get the tomato. We smudged the tomato paste on the pizza.Then we got a huge pile of grated cheese on the plate the we were and put it on the pizza
Then we got a huge pile of grated cheese on the plate the we were and put it on the pizza.We put on eight pieces of ham to show the eight hours of work. It was fun we also got cheese,green capsicum,pineapple,ham and put it on. We were the first to put our pizza in the oven and then we started to write all about it. After all the pizza were baked and ready to eat Collin said a pray. We also got to give some to the teachers.
Me and Mary give one to Miss Garden and Mr J. When I tasted it was yummy!. But it was not all about pizza it was about Labour day.
First we planned what we were going to do and find a partner.My partner was Mary. When we got our pizza base we got our plate and grabbed what we need. We were given grated cheese,green capsicum,pineapple,ham and tomato paste to use for our pizza. The tomato paste went on first. We rushed to get the tomato. We smudged the tomato paste on the pizza.Then we got a huge pile of grated cheese on the plate the we were and put it on the pizza
Then we got a huge pile of grated cheese on the plate the we were and put it on the pizza.We put on eight pieces of ham to show the eight hours of work. It was fun we also got cheese,green capsicum,pineapple,ham and put it on. We were the first to put our pizza in the oven and then we started to write all about it. After all the pizza were baked and ready to eat Collin said a pray. We also got to give some to the teachers.
Me and Mary give one to Miss Garden and Mr J. When I tasted it was yummy!. But it was not all about pizza it was about Labour day.
This is our pizza I hope you like it. Please leave some feedback!
Labour day,
Monday, 14 October 2013
Farm Questions
- Who would want to make farm's ?
- Where did the word farm come from ?
- When did farmer's start farming ?
- What can I do to protect animal's ?
- Why would we protect animal's ?
- How can I become a farmer?
- Which is the most important thing in farming?
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Lucy's Minecraft Temple of Zeus
Lucy's Minecraft Temple of Zeus from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
I hope you like my mine craft adventure. It took me 2 and a half weeks to finish it. p.s sorry I was suposed to say pandora but instead I said dora hahahahah silly me(:
Friday, 6 September 2013
The Mischievous Mermaid
Once upon a time there lived a very mischievous mermaid who lived in the sea with her Mother who loved her so much. The mischievous mermaid’s name was Kate. She always Sneed into to other people house’s and eat there food when they had left. One day when she was walking by a strange looking house she saw three sharks. The smallest one was their son and the the other’s was the mother and farther. The were going out for a walk to wait for there food to cool down a bit and left the door open.
Then when no one was looking she ran inside the house and shut the door closed and looked around then she saw at the table three bowls of pudding. Kate took a spoon and tasted the biggest bowl and said “ this pudding is the coldest thing I have ever tasted” then she went to the second biggest bowl “ this is hot I don’t like this.” Then she tried the smallest bowl “ yummy I really like this one its not to hot and not to cold.
After she had finished the smallest bowl she swam into the living room and saw three chairs and sat on the tallest one first she tried to get cozy but it was no use so she swam to the next chair it was the second tallest chair. Kate sat on it and then she started to sink into the chair! “ this chair is to soft I might try the littlest one” so she did and it was the better then the rest but then she heard a big crack then smash kate fell on the floor and the littlest chair smashed into little pieces and ran upstairs to the bedrooms.
There were three beds biggest to smallest. Kate ran up to the small one it looked right for her ranther then going one by one so she climbed in and fell fast asleep. Then when the family of sharks came back from there walk the first thing they notice was the door was wide open and went to check on there pudding “ oh no my someone eat my pudding!” And mine sobbed the littlest shark. Then they went into to the living room to check on there t.v “no my chair can you fix it daddy please!!! I am sorry son but I don’t think so. let’s go check the bedroom said the mama shark and so they did and saw kate sleeping in little sharks bed. When Kate woke up the first thing she did was run down stairs and out the door and ran back home and never went outside.
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Rhyming Couplets
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Monday, 26 August 2013
The cross country
On Friday we had cross country I couldn't wait to go to the starting line. The sun was beaming down on the ten year old girls we were waiting for our turn. As we were finally told to stand to go to the starting line. I could’t wait for Mr Burt to but on the horn on to tell us when to go. When he did I sprinted off around the school field and headed for the pt England reverser.
I was starting to slow down to catch my breath and jogged to Mrs King who was in the reverser she was cheering us on as we past her. Then I saw Mr S he was cheer for us as well. Then I heard him say “go goose go!” That helped me a lot so I ran off. Past Mr Marks. The mud was super soft under my feet and I loved how it felt. When I went up to Mr Barks he held up his phone and said it was Mr S “you can do it goose” he shouted. That made me so happy that he said that.
So I ran off again and ran for the finish then I saw Gloria with a bleeding nose! I felt sorry for her then I went past her to go get a cup of water I felt very tired. After that I went back to class and we got to the free time on our netbooks we had newspaper under our are feet to keep the carpet clean.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Kiwis: Using speech Marks
Today kiwis made a movie on educreation to help us with our speech marks with Mr S. Hope you enjoy!
Monday, 19 August 2013
The boy who cried wolf
Your Challenge: To explain how a morale from a fable applies to your life
Paragraph 1: Retell and summarise an Aesop Fable of your choice
Paragraph 2: Explain the morale of the fable.
Paragraph 3: How does the morale apply to your life? What have you learnt?
Title: The boy who cried wolf
Once upon a time there lived a shepherd-boy who looked after a flock of sheep. One day he got bored of looking after the sheep so he thought he would play a trick on the villagers near by. So he cried wolf wolf!
The villagers heard his call so they stopped what they were doing and ran to the shepherd-boy. But when they got there the shepherd-boy laughed and laughed and said I tricked you there is no wolf here. So the villagers went back to there home and started there work.He did that two more times after the last the villagers said we are not coming back so good ridden and went back home. But the wolf really did come then the boy cried wolf wolf! But the villagers did not listen and all the sheep were gone.
The morale of the story is never to lie cause it might come for real and always tell the truth.
People don’t listen to lies.
It helps me not to lie to my mum and dad.
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Hansel and Gretel
Your Challenge: To explain how a morale from a fable applies to your life
Paragraph 1: Retell and summarise an Aesop Fable of your choice
Paragraph 2: Explain the morale of the fable.
Paragraph 3: How does the morale apply to your life? What have you learnt?
Paragraph 1: Retell and summarise an Aesop Fable of your choice
Paragraph 2: Explain the morale of the fable.
Paragraph 3: How does the morale apply to your life? What have you learnt?

Title: Hansel and Gretel
Once upon a time there was a mother and father who had two children named Hansel and Gretel. There mother was not a kind to them at all times and sended them to the forest to starve to death. Walking in the forest they found a very delicious looking house made out of sweets. Inside was a kind old lady that let them in for delicious blueberry pie. They became very fat and when they went to see the old lady she had turned into a witch and tossed Hansel into a very uncomfortable cage and locked him up. While Gretel was helping the witch preparing the oven for her dinner which she knew was going to be them.
When Gretel was preparing the oven she chucked the witch into the oven and the witch was never seen again. They ate until there tummy were big and fat went all the way home
The morale of the story is DO NOT GO INTO STRANGE LOOKING HOUSES EVEN IF IT IS MADE OUT OF CANDY and do not judge a book by its cover. You never know if its a trap and the person that let you in is not what you think.
The moral relates in my life by to - Everything is not what it seems it may look sweet but it is sour in the inside.
Once upon a time there was a mother and father who had two children named Hansel and Gretel. There mother was not a kind to them at all times and sended them to the forest to starve to death. Walking in the forest they found a very delicious looking house made out of sweets. Inside was a kind old lady that let them in for delicious blueberry pie. They became very fat and when they went to see the old lady she had turned into a witch and tossed Hansel into a very uncomfortable cage and locked him up. While Gretel was helping the witch preparing the oven for her dinner which she knew was going to be them.
When Gretel was preparing the oven she chucked the witch into the oven and the witch was never seen again. They ate until there tummy were big and fat went all the way home
The morale of the story is DO NOT GO INTO STRANGE LOOKING HOUSES EVEN IF IT IS MADE OUT OF CANDY and do not judge a book by its cover. You never know if its a trap and the person that let you in is not what you think.
The moral relates in my life by to - Everything is not what it seems it may look sweet but it is sour in the inside.
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
The hare and the Tortise
Hi there, my name is Speedy. I am very fast and I have long long legs. I could beat everyone who lived on the farm in a race. But one day when I was hopping around in the farm I saw the tortise watching me,so I hopped next to the tortise,is that all you do, I said “nod all day long and not do any running I would get bored out of my mind“ the tortoise did not reply he just stood there eating a leaf very slowly. Then came the fox he was a big know it all and he said “ don’t you know that the tortise hibernates” what !? It means that he sleeps for the whole of winter,said the fox. Ha! he must be the laziest animal alive well its not fair to say that he is alive. Then the fox said I will lay a race not a long way just up that hill and back “sure I would win any way” I said to the fox.
So it was decided they would both meet at the farm gate at sun rise. On the day of the race everyone on the farm came to see the me and the tortise. The crows flew in the sky to keep an eye on the racer’s and the cows were eating grass like always but you never know what they might be thinking about you. Then the fox came next to him was the badger and the rat If I won the fox would have to do badger and the rat a month of favours and if the tortise won the they would have to do a month of favours for the fox “the fox must have bumped his head to make a silly bet like that I would win for sure” I said in my head. Then the fox called out “ Ready Steady Go!” I ran as fast as my legs could carry me after a while I looked behined me and saw the tortise just half way on the first feid. I started to run up the hill it got a bit harder then I check on the tortise he was only on the 2nd fe. So I stopped to have a rest and close my eyes for a bit and how nice was it to just rest and take it easy then I fell fast asleep. One hour later.... Oh what a nice nap back to the race I said. But when I got there the badger and the rat gave me a mad look how lazy are you sleeping on the race said rat the tortise left and now we own fox a month of favours. This story was told by the hare.
Little Red Riding Hood
Once upon a time in the middle of the forest there lived a little girl named Little Red Riding Hood. Her mother had given her a basket of cakes to give to her grandma because she was feeling very ill. As Little Red Riding Hood’s mother waved goodbye from the house door she said “ stay on the path and don’t stop” don’t worry mother I will do as you say! said little red riding hood as she walked deeper into the forest. As she was walking on the path she saw some yummy looking berrys. Little Red Riding hood thought she could stop to pick some to eat she was feeling a bit hungry. So she put the basket down and started to pick the berrys “hmmm” said little red riding hood as she put the berrys in her mouth. After six more berrys wait seven no eight no nine yay nine more berrys she headed off to grandma’s cottge. Then she saw a butterfly and chased it into the forest. She had forgot what her mother had said.
As she chased the butterfly she had notice that she was lost! Then she heard a rustling sound and ran as fast as she could and found the path. But when she turned around she saw sneaking looking eyes but when she blinked they had gone. Then a grumpy voice said little girl where are you going? When little red riding hood heard the voice her heart jumped and said I am going to give these cakes to my grandma she is sick. Is she alone said the voice yes and she does not talk to strangers. “Who are you” said little red riding hood why I am a kind old wolf Maybe just maybe we will meet again said the wolf and had ran up the path.
“ Ha! I will eat grandma then the little girl what great idea” said the wolf in his mind. The wolf raced ahead of little red riding hood to grandma’s cottage. when he got there he kno
ked on the door and put on a sweet little voice “ grandma it’s me little red riding hood”
then come in come said grandma but to her surprise that the wolf trick her and the first thing that the wolf did was her up and put on her night gown. Then little red riding hood came to the cottage and knocked on the door and said can I come in grandma “yes you may said the wolf trying to sound like her.
When Little Red Riding stepped inside the first thing she said was what big eyes you have said little red riding hood better to see you with replied the wolf “ and what big ears you have”little red riding hood said better to hear you with my dear but what big hands you have better to hug you with said the wolf and what big teeth you have said little red riding said BETTER TO EAT YOU WITH!!!!!! in one mouth full little red riding was eatin. The layed in grandma bed to have a little nap but the cottage hunter came to the cottage for a cup of water he had been trying to catch the wolf who as been very very bad when he walked by the opened window to see if any one was home he saw the wolf! With a full belly sleepy in the bed. Carefully he pointed his gun to the wolfs head and shot and opened up his belly there popped out was grandma and little red riding hood after they thanked the hunter little red riding hoods mother burst though the door and ran to hug her child she had tears of joy in her eyes. Then they both went home the end.
The moarl of the story is:
Do what your mum and dad tell you.
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