Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Mata i Pusi
This is my reading for week 3, We were learning about how everyone is speical in there own way!
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Mixture of problems 2
Here is my maths work for week 3 work and I thought that I learnt a lot in the extra for experts!
Monday, 23 May 2016
Character Descriptions Task
Today's task was all about showing not tell and we had to describe three characters and this is what I came up with!
7&8 Extension,
Show not tell,
Term 2,
Friday, 20 May 2016
Wool & Nail art
Today we made Wool and nail art with Mr Wiseman and these are the three stages we had! It was lots of fun and I loved hammering the nails into the wood!!
First we had to hammer nails into a star template onto our wood
Next we took of the template and wrote our names on the back
Lastly we took a long piece of wool and tied it around the nails to make a pattern and this is what our one looks like
First we had to hammer nails into a star template onto our wood
Next we took of the template and wrote our names on the back
Lastly we took a long piece of wool and tied it around the nails to make a pattern and this is what our one looks like
Saturday, 14 May 2016
Thursday, 12 May 2016
New prefect recount
As soon as this name was called I spotted George excitedly jogged up to the front of the hall and everyone clapping along. I was really happy for him because he was a being a good leader at camp and I can’t wait to see what he does as prefect. Also to my surprise George’s whole family was there and traveled up to the front and stood in a long line next to George. I really loved how his whole family came to support him and they gave him all sorts of stuff such as chocolate, money and lots of hugs! He is really lucky to have such a kind family.
This years topic for our entire school is to make kindness go viral and Georges family was definitely showing it! If I was the one receiving all those gifts and hugs, it would have made me soooo happy that I would fly all the way to the moon and back. I think everyone should feel that way, It took a while for Georges whole family took a little while to come up and congratulate George.
Watching Georges family showed me that every family should support each other and show that they care about one another, because its important to do that or else it would be a sad family. Once everyone in Georges family had seen George, one of the women gave our associate principal a flower necklace. Then they all made their way back to their seats with George our new prefect.
To finish things off I will share with you 2 ways to show kindness at home or in your class room. First you could say nice things to other people and be polite to one another. I can’t wait to see what George will come up with as prefect!
Hakaraia-SJ L4 May 2016
This is my work for this week and it was cool to learn about Hakaraia and what he did.
Friday, 6 May 2016
Mult/Div T2 W1
This is my maths for my first week back at school and I thought it was good to learn something new!
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Giving the Ocean a Voice
This weeks task is all about the ocean! I love the ocean and I would definitely do all I can to stop the bleaching of the coral! Would you?
Wednesday, 4 May 2016

We made our journey by bus and the trip was long. Inside the bus was full of the chatter of children, I was sitting next to my friend Jessica and we both enjoyed the ride with games and conversations! When we finally drove into the camp site I could spot the tall and giant flying fox! My whole head was just buzzing with excited thoughts, I couldn’t wait to see our cabins and go on the water slide! It only took us 5 to 8 minutes to unpack the bus and take all our gear inside the dining hall, we all gathered in the dining hall to eat our morning tea from home and chat to our friends. I wasn’t that hungry and I was just to excited to sit still!

We had morning tea next and free time!! I was soo thrilled that we had free time because I could not wait to see what the rest of the camp site looked like. There is a swing, monkey bars, a small cage where you have to kick the ball into the holes in the walls, a big see saw and lastly a huge chest set outside. Everything looked super cool and I loved standing on the see saw going up and down. Unfortunately our free time came to an end and we had our third leadership activity, which was about team work and listening to each other. The first day went faster than a cheetah!
The next day we were given our activity list for the whole day and the first one my team had was push play! We played all sorts of games like cricket and soccer. I was really good at cricket if I do say so myself! It was really tiring and when push play came to an end, we had a short break to go get our togs because we were going to go kayaking next! I love kayaking but my arms got sore. It was so much fun and what was really fun was that we had a backwards race where we had to row backwards all the way to the end, I didn't win though. When our time was all most up we tipped over our teachers kayak her name is Miss Berry!! It was so funny and I was soaking wet because they tipped my kayak too! When we got back to our cabins we had a shower and got changed.

Everything just went by so fast! On our final day we had clean everything! The bathrooms, our cabins, the small lounge and the dining hall! It was easy because everyone helped out and I got to vacuum, When everything was crystal clean we had free time while waiting for the buses. I couldn't believe that I was going back home but at least I had a fun time with my friends on the bus!
This is me and my friend Ariana on the bus! --->
I will always remember this experience for the rest of my life! My least favourite thing was... NOTHING! I loved it all and I can't wait to see what the year 7's think of it next year! I'm so thankful for all the blessings we had on this camp! I want to thank all the teachers, parents and everyone who helped make this camp possible! I will try to be a good leader this year and try my best at everything!
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Immersion Assembly!
Today is the first of school and I was sooo happy to see my friends! As usual we started off the term with an immersion assembly at the start of each school term, and this term our theme of learning is called as i see it. I am going to tell you want each year level are going to learn. As I made my way to our school hall and took my seat, I was really excited to see what we are doing this term and I could see that all the teachers were very enthusiastic and were wearing fun outfits!
First up was year 1 and 2, they are learning about there favourite things and how to draw them. The teachers shared their favourite things like Mrs George likes chocolate Whittakers hokey pokey flavour! Ms Wild loves her dog named Joe, Miss Peck likes Pandora bracelets and charms. My favourite things is my family! :)
Second was the year 3, they are learning about the seasons and all the colors that come with it. Like spring is full of bright colors and beautiful flowers! Summer has bright colors also like yellow, baby blue and bright green. I think Autumn has lots of dark red, golden brown and orange. Lastly is winter and I love winter! Winter is full of white, blue and silver. I love colors and I can't wait to see what they do.
Next was year 4 and they are creating stuff like building because they are learning about architecture! The teachers made their own version of grand designs where they built a house which was actually just a big tent. They were describing the tent like what materials it was made of and the shape it was. I really want to see what they create and build!
Were almost finished and next we had the year 5 and 6's! They are going to create their own super hero comics with their own characters, which is really exciting! I really wished I could be in year 6 again because it would be so much fun to write my own comic.
Last is the year 7 and 8's and I am a year 8. We are learning about the four waka and we are going to build models of the waka. The four names of the waka are Hokule'a for green and the earth, Hikianalia for yellow and the rising stars, Hine Monana for blue and the oceans and finally Te Aurere for red and the blood, sweat and tears from all the sailors that went on the journey around the pacific.
These are all the things we are learning! I really liked the year 5 and 6's one because I love comics and super hero's!!! I can't wait to see what we are going to do this year!
These are all the things we are learning! I really liked the year 5 and 6's one because I love comics and super hero's!!! I can't wait to see what we are going to do this year!
Sunday, 1 May 2016
Minecraft stop motion!
The ATTACK from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
This is a stop motion I made at home. Its all based on minecraft and it took me a pretty long time to make it and edit it but in the end it was worth it! I hope you enjoy it!!
(P.S You should watch it in full screen because unfortunately it can't fit on my blog)
This is a stop motion I made at home. Its all based on minecraft and it took me a pretty long time to make it and edit it but in the end it was worth it! I hope you enjoy it!!
(P.S You should watch it in full screen because unfortunately it can't fit on my blog)
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