
Thursday, 31 March 2016

Sugar Tax

To lower the consumption of sugar in drinks, Britain has enforced a sugar tax in 2016. The British government has noticed that the population is growing in terms of their size, the numbers of obese people are at an all time high. The cause is the amounts of sugar being put inside fizzy drinks. Britain has decided to tax the manufacturers of all fizzy drinks in the country. Due to the taxes the manufacturers would have to raise the price of their product to produce enough money to pay the tax. If they don’t pay the tax the British government would have to shut the company down.

The sugar tax could raise up to $1 billion NZ. If the tax would raise up to that cost, the price of the product would become very expensive and no one would want to buy the drink. If this were to happen to New Zealand it would mean the rate of people constantly buying fizzy drinks might lower.

In conclusion I think that the tax might help people buy less fizzy drinks and the rate of the population drinking sugar will go down in Britain. Fizzy drinks to hold lots of sugar, which is not good for the human body and maybe a sugar tax could help that. What do you think?

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Visual Mihi

This is my visual mihi I created on hyperstudio. The Flag is a Samoan flag and thats my culture. The cross represents my beliefs because I believe in God and Jesus. The heart at the bottom left represents my love for my family and lastly at the top right what I like to do. I really enjoy playing games and playing minecraft! I hope you like it!!! :)

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Week 8 Problmes

Week 8 strategy

This week we learnt to find the fraction of a number, which was a bit hard at first but when I got into it, it became easier.

Editing, punctuation and grammar - W8 MC

This weeks writing is about  Editing, punctuation and grammar. I thought this was very easy. I would like to do it again.

Monday, 21 March 2016

Edited verison of The Bush Writing

It was another normal spring day! The birds were chirping and the sun shone brightly as Ally a 15 year old girl was happily strolling home from school. Ally has brown straight hair and gemstone green eyes. She is a very organised girl and is also very cautions, she loves to learn and spend time with her auntie Bertha. Ally also has a best friend who is also 15 years old. Her name is Tessa and is absolutely not at all like Ally because she is very reckless and has a giant sense of humor. Tessa has blonde wavy hair with sky blue eyes and loves to eat everything! When Ally arrived to her big yellow house her parents were sitting on the couch watching T.V, “Hi dear how was school?” asked Ally’s mother who looked just like Ally but had hazel nut eyes. Ally set her bag down beside the front door “Oh It was just another great day and me and Tessa are going on a hike tomorrow and I know its going to fun! replied Ally. Her mother’s face turned from happy and bright to sad and almost angry, “Umm sweetheart I don’t think Tessa is a good influence for you I mean she is sweet but you know..” said her mum sadly. Ally ignored her mother and stomped upstairs filled with anger to her lavender room. Ally floopped onto her bed and thought to herself why her mother thinks Tessa is bad? Tessa is great but she is very reckless, Ally didn’t care though. They had been friends ever since middle school, Ally had to stop thinking about negative stuff and focus on the fun hike tomorrow! She knew that they were going to have a blast!

The next day came faster than lighting, Ally and Tessa were already at the giant hiking spot. They were so excited and couldn’t wait to start their adventurous journey, but before they could go they had to read the long list rules. “URRGGGH let’s just go already! We don’t need to read the rules will be fine!” complained Tessa, Ally did really want to go but she wanted to finish reading the rules so she knew how to be safe, but in the end she decided that Tessa was right. So off they went up the hiking track, and for not reading all the rules they missed the most important rule of all! If it rains stay on the path. The forest was so beautiful and full with the color of fresh green, the two best friends chatted as they slowly hiked the tall hill and looked at all the wonderful things in the forest like all the vibrant flowers to the giant trees. The great scenery didn’t stay so wonderful for long because all of a sudden it started pouring down with rain! The rain were like bombs falling fast from the grey sky and exploding as they hit the ground.  “Oh no we need to find shelter!” Shouted Ally which was against the last rule. Then Tessa spotted a large cave so they ran in and sat down in the cold and damp cave, Ally opened her bag and grabbed out two blankets and handed one to Tessa, Ally dug deep into her bag to find the two huge lunch boxes she packed, when she got them out they were completely empty! Then Ally gave
Tessa long and hard stare until she confessed “ OKAY OKAY I ate the food, I was hungry you should know me by know!” Shouted Tessa sadly, the rain poured and poured it was like it wasn’t going to stop. “ I thought it wasn’t supposed to rain today” said Ally changing the subject, Tessa reached into her own bag and brought out a walkie talkie. “We can use this to call someone” suggested Tessa as Ally was about to grab the walkie talkie,out of nowhere they heard a loud and terrifying ROAR!!

The blue represents the added detail I put in.
The red represents the errors I did at the start.

Punctuation and Grammar week 7

Last week we were learning about punctuation and grammar when editing. I liked doing this task because it was a bit easy. 

C.A.L.V.Y Movie

L.A Movie from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
This is our movie for extension about our school it was made by me and my group. I enjoyed making this movie and filming it was lots of fun. We were a bit flat when recording but I think that's okay. I hope you enjoy it and helps you understand our Point England way

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Week 7 Problems

This is my maths work completed for this week. It was a bit easy at first but the practice questions really made me think. But I got it in the end.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Maths Problems Week 6

This is my maths problems for last week. Some of these questions were tricky but I got some help from my friends.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Lucy Novel study - Island of the white spear

This is my novel study for the term. It is not complete so I will update it later on the term. It is really cool reading the book and I  have finished the whole thing!

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Show don’t tell!

1. Cold tears dripped down Katy’s depressed and pale face as she gazed sadly up at the grey filled sky. Her tears splattered like rain drops all over a violet collar with a golden tag that once was around the neck of a hazel nut brown puppy.

2. Two beautiful and flavorful layers of moist chocolate cake was gently covered with mouthwatering mint colored icing. A bite of this magnificent cake could make an old man sing and dance! While it stood tall on its white stand, it was decorated with small white flowers and each petal had its own unique size and melted in your mouth. The smell of this delicate cake flowed around the house attracting every single living thing from a tiny ant to my big brother that loved to eat everything.

3. A cloudless baby blue sky was filled with the sound of cheerful chirping birds. In a small field mini trees stood boldly amongst many fresh and vibrant flowers. The smell of these lovely flowers made everything seem calm and relaxing. The area was covered in green but the blooming roses gave color to the scenery.

4. Dark menacing clouds consumed the sky. Rain drops fell like missiles and exploded when hitting the ground. The thunder reassembled a lions loud and terrifying roar and frightened everything to go into hiding. Lighting flashed across the dark scary clouds and lit up the sky for a mere second.

5. Bubbling with exhilaration I skipped happily up the cool and calm drive way of my own small home. I couldn’t stop buzzing about what happened today, that I was hopping all over the house like a mad bunny that had to much carrots! The day had to be the most amazing day of my life!

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Fiafia 2016!!! :)

This year we are having are annual Fiafia performance where all the students have to come together and get into dance groups that they choose, like cook island and hip hop. We perform on the stage and this year as always I have chosen to be in the Samoan group and I can't wait to go on stage and dance!