
Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Word Problems Week 2

This is my maths for week 2 and all my working out is in my maths book

Fair chocolate Week 1

This is my reading task for week. This one is the more edited one.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Immersion Assembly Term 3

When we come back from the holidays we have an Immersion Assembly where we learn what our inquiry subject is. This term our inquiry subject is Trade and Enterpri$e.

Every teacher from every year level have to present something to show their class what they are learning about this term. First team to present was team one and there subject is how to be money wise. next was team 2 and they are learning about Ice cream like which ice cream flavor do people like best chocolate or vanilla? And if chocolate wins than they should make more chocolate.

Team 3 is learning about Jobs and how to pick the right job so they can earn more money.  Next team is team 4 and they are learning about emotions and how  they react when they use money. And the last team of the day is my team, team 5 we are learning about how to be financially responsible with our money.

Monday, 20 July 2015