Monday, 7 December 2015
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Thinkboard W8 T4
This is my thinkboard for this week we are learning about BEDMAS. Which is
B - Brackets
E - Exponents
D - Division
M - Multiplication
A - Addition
S - Subtraction
Monday, 30 November 2015
This is my extension work I did with Khaia. We were learning about Bioengineering and what it means. We had a task to create our own super human. You can check out what we made in this presentation.
Please leave a comment!
And check out Khaia's blog!
7&8 Extension,
Term 4
Friday, 27 November 2015
Oct/Hex Number knowledge strategies!
This is my Maths work for this is week and we are learning new strategies for subtracting.
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Monday, 9 November 2015
Monday, 2 November 2015
Thinkboard week 4
This is my Thinkboard for this week
Friday, 23 October 2015
Monday, 19 October 2015
The Secret Underground W1 T4
This is my reading task for last week. We were learning about weta's and underground caves.
Friday, 16 October 2015
Facts about the Arctic Fox
- Arctic foxes change the color of their fur with the seasons. In winter they are white to blend in with the snow, while in the summer they change to brown.
- Alopex lagopus is the scientific name for the fox
- Lemmings are what arctic foxes eat mostly and they will eat anything they can find.
- When the Arctic fox hears an animal under the snow, it leaps into the air and pounces, breaking through the layer of snow right onto the prey beneath
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
As I happily entered my classroom on Monday morning from a two week holiday, I briskly chucked my bag at my desk and went to see my friends. It was the first day back at school and the last term of 2015. At 8:30am the year 7 and 8’s had to sit in the street for the karakia and himene. Soon after that we headed to the Hall for our Immersion assembly, I didn’t put my shoes on and it had been raining therefore my socks were soaked!!
After a couple minutes of waiting excitedly, Mr Burt our principal greeted us and told us that this term we are learning about survival and adaptation. Then he showed us a movie he made about an extinct bird called the Fia Poko Parrot and it was really annoying that the people of the town got a Fia Poko hunter to hunt it down. It was Hilarious!!! Next we had team 1 teachers come and tell us what they are learning about this term and they are learning about how animals adapt. They also had a karaoke competition where they had to sing ROAR by Katy Perry and a year 3 named Mirka won and she got a prize that was a free trip to go to the Zoo with team 1.
Team 2 was up next and they are learning about dinosaurs. The teachers of team 2 showed us a movie they made. They also had someone dress up as Barney and picked random kids to shake Barney’s hand and give him a hug too. It was pretty cool. Team 3 came up and they told us that they were learning about dinosaurs and they are going to make up their own type of dinosaurs. The teachers had already made their dinosaurs. There was Bossareptor, Musslesaurs, Manosaurs and Discosaurs are the dinosaurs I can remember from Monday.
Then we had team 4 and their teachers explain to us that they were learning about animals and their habitats. They had also made a movie where there were 4 kids in a green screen room and they had to guess what animal was behind them and where they were. It was so funny watching them! The Final team was team 5 and the teachers performed a skit about adapting. Where they had a competition of who could finsh a plate of noodles in 30 seconds using chopsticks. Miss Clark won because her family used chopsticks all the time but Mrs Peato had never used chopsticks before and never had to. Then Mrs Hockly said she went to Japan so she had to adapt to using chopsticks because it was part of the Japan culture.
In the end I enjoyed being back at school and my favourite had to be team 4 and their movie. I can’t wait to learn more about adaptation and sense this is the last term of the year I will try and make sure this is the best term ever!!!
First day back at school,
Immersion Assembly,
Term 4
Glen Innes, Auckland, New Zealand
Add/Sub Yr 8-1 WALT Term 4 Week 1
This is my maths work for this week
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
These are my friends who I have know almost my whole life at Point England School!

Thursday, 10 September 2015
Investigating Integers Week 8
This is my maths work for this week. We have been learning about Integers.
Monday, 7 September 2015
Lucy - Think board Master Week 8
This is my Think Board for this week and we are all learning about Integers in room 2.
Friday, 4 September 2015
Win Win - Diana Noonan
This is my reading task for this week. We had to read a book named Win Win and I really enjoyed reading it. It is very engaging I loved reading all of it.
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
Miss universe New Zealand
Yesterday The Year 7 and 8 had a visit from 16 contestants from Miss Universe New Zealand. There were 20 but 4 couldn't come they are all competing to win the Miss Universe New Zealand so they can move up and compete with the other girls who won for their country like USA and England.
They talked about enterprise. We had 4 of the girls come into our class and there names are Hannah, Monique, Olivia and Sharne. One of them was a creator of her own recycling company. They taught us all sorts of things like the are 2 different kinds of dreams one where you can sleep and imagine and one where you wake up and chase it. Overall I wish I was here to see them because they sound amazing.
They talked about enterprise. We had 4 of the girls come into our class and there names are Hannah, Monique, Olivia and Sharne. One of them was a creator of her own recycling company. They taught us all sorts of things like the are 2 different kinds of dreams one where you can sleep and imagine and one where you wake up and chase it. Overall I wish I was here to see them because they sound amazing.
Monday, 31 August 2015
Algebra Thinkboard
This is my Think board for this week. This week I learnt algebra and how to solve a question like this. You can take a closer look of how I solved it by clicking the image.
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Multiplication and Division Week 6
This is my maths presentation for this week. I have learnt how to use long division while completing this task.
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Lucy Spend, Share, Save W5 - W6
This is a presentation about spending, sharing and saving our money. Our questions are money related and I will post the edited version soon with all the answered question.
Monday, 17 August 2015
GEG Student summit
Hobsonville school is a really flash looking school and is really big. First we went inside and there was a woman who told us to follow the boys outside where we got goody bags with name tags, note books, pens and a small bag of chips. We got to decorate our name tags with stickers and markers after that we went into the Mobile Learning center which was full of technology stuff like computers and Ipads that you can draw on with a pen.
The first presentation we went to was the play dough and makey makey were we all had wires, a Computer and play dough each where we had to go on Scratch were you can make stuff like video game.Next we had to make sounds on scratch and then we got to make something with play dough and I made a snowman named Willy then we got the wires and the makey makey and connected the wires to the makey makey which was connected to the computer and when we connected the wire to Willy the snowman it made the sound we made on Scratch play. It had to be my favorite presentation I had lots of fun.
Morning tea was next and after that we went to a presentation about what are some of the google apps. They told us to write what was those google apps for. While we did that the other group was presenting what was P.E.N.N which stands for Point England News Network. We had lunch after that and we got to play tag on the on park it was really fun and when it was time to go inside it was our turn to present. our presentation was about how to use google apps like google docs and google slides. It was really nerve wreaking but I did it.
The last thing we did was see a presentation about How to use Blend space. Which is a site where you can create digital lessons. They also made presentations about all sorts of subjects that they made on blend space. Over all I had I great time at Hobsonville school it so cool I learnt some very interesting stuff and when after everything we did on that day we went into the gym where we had to put our name tags in the bags and take a seat. They started to do a raffle and there was lots of prizes to win and as peoples names were being called out for prizes name was called out and I got a 20 dollar voucher for Dextech! I so was excited and I just loved every moment that I spent at the summit. I hope I get to go again.
Friday, 14 August 2015
Thursday, 13 August 2015
Lucy Decimal Addition Triangle week 4
Here is my Addition triangle for this week.
Friday, 7 August 2015
Monday, 3 August 2015
Think board week 3
This is my Think Board for this Week
Addition Triangle Week 3
This is my Addition Triangle for this week
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Word Problems Week 2
This is my maths for week 2 and all my working out is in my maths book
Fair chocolate Week 1
This is my reading task for week. This one is the more edited one.
Monday, 27 July 2015
Addition Triangle Week 2
This is my Addition Triangle for this week
Lucy Decimal Addition Triangle Week 2
This is my Decimal Addition Triangle for this week.
Friday, 24 July 2015
Lucy Decimals Week 1 Term 3
This is my presentation for this week.
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Immersion Assembly Term 3
When we come back from the holidays we have an Immersion Assembly where we learn what our inquiry subject is. This term our inquiry subject is Trade and Enterpri$e.
Every teacher from every year level have to present something to show their class what they are learning about this term. First team to present was team one and there subject is how to be money wise. next was team 2 and they are learning about Ice cream like which ice cream flavor do people like best chocolate or vanilla? And if chocolate wins than they should make more chocolate.
Team 3 is learning about Jobs and how to pick the right job so they can earn more money. Next team is team 4 and they are learning about emotions and how they react when they use money. And the last team of the day is my team, team 5 we are learning about how to be financially responsible with our money.
Every teacher from every year level have to present something to show their class what they are learning about this term. First team to present was team one and there subject is how to be money wise. next was team 2 and they are learning about Ice cream like which ice cream flavor do people like best chocolate or vanilla? And if chocolate wins than they should make more chocolate.
Team 3 is learning about Jobs and how to pick the right job so they can earn more money. Next team is team 4 and they are learning about emotions and how they react when they use money. And the last team of the day is my team, team 5 we are learning about how to be financially responsible with our money.
Monday, 20 July 2015
Triangle Addition Week 1 Term 3
This is mt Addition Triangle for this week. We have to fill in the caps with numbers that add up to the top number which is 12.456
Monday, 22 June 2015
My Think Board for this Week
This is my think board. This week we are working on decimal.
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
This is my Think Board for this week. We are learning about Area and Perimeter.
Monday, 15 June 2015
Tiritiri Matangi Recount
Last week on Wednesday the year 7 and 8 Extension group went to Tiritiri Matangi Island to look at Biodiversity and the animals that live on the island. We had to get up early to get to school for the trip because we had to leave at 8:00am. My alarm woke me up at 6:25 but it took me 5 minutes to get out of bed as I was so cozy. After Breakfast I packed my lunch and got dressed in mufti.
My mum and I got in the car and drove to Khaia's house to pick her up and take her to school with me. We got to school around 7:30 and walked to the creative space where Taimana and Mrs Lagitupu were. Mrs Lagitupu told us to take a water bottle and put our names at the bottom.
First we went to see the Little Penguins or Blue Penguins and they lived in little burrows made of rocks. Then we went on a walking track through the forest. The second bird we saw was a little FanTail or in maori ‘Piwakawaka’. It followed us and the Tour Guide said the fantails like humans because when we walk we make vibrations in the ground which make the insects come out and the fantail loves to eat insects.
Five Facts I learnt about Tiritiri Matangi
- Birds like to drink raw sugar and water mixed together
- Tiritiri Matangi used to be a farm
- There is a thing called a Weta Motel
- That there are no pests/predators on the whole island
We saw lots of different kinds of birds and plants like the Bellbird and StitchBird and when we got to the end of the track we saw the light house. We went to the courtyard to have lunch, then we all went up to see the light house and the view was amazing and we also saw a Family of Takahe.
I really enjoyed the trip and learnt lots of things about the Island and what lives on it. I will never forget the trip.
7&8 Extension,
Term 2,
tiritiri Matangi
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