A few weeks ago on thursday the year five and six Extension group went to the Storylines festival where Authors come and present to us. It was held at Auckland Vodafone center. The authors were Jill MacGergor, Juliette Maclver, Catherine Mayo and Paula Green.
My favourite Author was Catherine Mayo. I really enjoyed Catherine Mayo because I like it how she used slides to show us things about Ancient Greece and I also liked the sword that she brought that looked like the sword from her story. She showed us lots of things from Greece. I really enjoyed the Storylines I can not wait for next year.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
M&L Poem about Compound
listen to ‘M&L Poem about Compound’ on Audioboo
WALT: use the structure of the newspaper articles to write news reports.
WALT: use the structure of the newspaper articles to write news reports.
Elections Billboard
Today the Extension group were learning about the Elections. We were given the task do draw our own Billboard as if we were in the Elections and make up are own party. We learnt what MMP means, It stands for Mixed Members Proportions which means the amount of votes a party gets is the amount of seats it as in parliament you have two votes the next vote is for someone from your local electorate from parliament who ever gets the most votes will become your MMP. To get a seat a party must have 5% of the votes or win a seat from the electorate.
Breadfruit chips A&L
breadfruit chips A&L from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
This is a video about how to make Breadfruit chips. The Kea's group have been learning what breadfruit is and how it can help with world wide hunger. This is one of the recipes you can make with breadfruit there are lots you can make with breadfruit. I hope you enjoy the video me and Ariana have made.
Breadfruit chips,
Class 6,
Mrs Garden and Mr Goodwin,
Term 3
Friday, 19 September 2014
Protecting our Kaimoana
Protecting our Kaimoana
Agree or Disagree
Read the journal - Protecting our Kaimoana
Complete this agree or disagree activity based on what the author thinks.
Would the author Agree or Disagree
Page number and paragraph
New Zealand's number of undersea creatures is decreasing.
“I saw that the undersea creatures were steadily disappearing”
Page 1
Paragraph 1
If people keep being greedy, then we could run out of Kaimoana in our oceans.
But if people are greedy and get enough to reproduce themselves then the fridge will get cleaned.
Page 1
paragraph 2
There are no rules about the size or number you can take when collecting Kaimoana.
M.A.F has set rules about size and number of all the different kinds of kaimoana you can take.
Page 2
Paragraph 1
You need a permit to collect more than what you need for yourself.
Sometimes people need to get extra kaimoana for a hui anyone can come to me and get a permit for that.
page 2
Paragraph 2 .
M.A.F. cannot search your catch.
The warrant I carry from M.A.F gives me power to stop people if I think they are carrying kaimoana and check it.
Page 2
Paragraph 3
You can sell what you catch as long as you don’t charge too much.
And there are people who are selling what they catch. That’s illegal unless you have a special licence.
Page 2
Paragraph 4
You are not allowed to catch Paua on Scuba gear.
Some divers use scuba gear to take paua. Thats strictly illegal,
Page 2
Paragraph 5
Do you agree or Disagree
Explain why you agree or disagree
There is no need for Fisheries officers, people should be able to get how ever much Kaimona they need.
I disagree because If they take as much as they want there might be no more kaimoana left.
No one should be allowed to catch their own Kaimona. People should only be able to get them from the shops.
I disagree because you should be allowed to catch your own kaimoana and not always buy it from the shop and whats wrong if you catch your own kaimoana if you follow the rules.
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Cross Country article
Headline:Annual Cross Country
WALT: Use the structure of newspaper articles to write news reports

The Cross Country at Point England School. Years One to eight Children are preparing for a Massive run by running everyday.
Team four is the most serious about getting fit for Cross Country. They run about one kilometer everyday single day and they do it twice. The year 5 and 6 kids do it before Morning tea and some come back in time to have their lunch but some are not fast enough to have lunch. Some are getting really fit but some are just lazy.
Here we have Katarina from Point England School to tell us what she thinks about Cross Country this is what she had to say “ Its fun because we get to race our friends but its boring because we get tired”. I asked Katarina what she thinks about running everyday for the Cross Country and she said “Sometimes I want to do the run and sometimes I don’t”.

We asked one of the children where do they go for their Cross Country Run. Here we have Ariana to tell us “so Ariana where do you go for your Cross Country?” “ Well I follow cones that are on the ground” Thank you for your time. The Cross Country track starts from the start of the field and run down all the way to the Point England Reserve around the field and back only the year five to six do this. The year one to four run around the field.
At the end of the Cross Country the winners from year one to eight will go on to the in-zone championship and will run more races.
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