Friday, 30 May 2014
Drawing of the Titanic
This is a picture of a drawing of the Titanic, fear fall and the sky tower. We had draw and measure them and see which was the tallest we had to draw the Titanic on its end. I found out that the Sky tower is 328 meters when the Titanic is 269 meters and the fear fall is 52 meters so in conclusion the Sky tower is the tallest.
Katareina and Lucy Passengers & Ships.
This is my presentation about the Titanic and the Jet boat. Please leave a comment below enjoy!
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
The End of the Titanic and my Life
It was freezing cold I was in my cabin trying to sleep but I kept on waking up feeling like the ships going to break at any moment. After 5 minutes of trying to sleep my hand fell to the side of the bed I felt water at the tips of my fingers I looked to see if I knocked over the class of water but it wasn’wasn't the floor was covered in water and it was rising fast so I ran to warn my parents I ran to their cabin and opened there door and as I did the cabin was full of water which rushed out I could see my parents sleeping soundly and then ye at the top of my lungs I yelled “The ship is sinking!!” and then my mum woke up with a shock and quickly grabbed her coat and together
we ran through a maze of halls to the top deck forgetting all about my dad.
Finally we reached the top deck everyone was running and screaming in panic. There was a long line to get on the 20 life boats that wasn't’t going to hold us all My mum was worried that we wouldn’t be able to get one. 20 minutes later we were in the front of the line one but there were none left me and my mother were trapped and then suddenly my dad ran up to us and said he made a raft for us. So he lead us to the raft it was made from the planks of the sinking ship. He lowered us down to the water and rowed us to safety. Five days later we were still paddling we catched up to the lifeboats but there was still not enough room for us so we rowed beside them. They gave us canned food that smells of rotten fish and bottles of water but that didn’didn't last us soon we would have no more food.
We were coming closer and closer to our destination but it was too late it took us 12 days to get there but we didn't make it me and both my parents froze on our 6th day on our raft and that was the end of me. They kept our bodies so they could bury us. I was buried in america next to my parents.
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
The Girl with mysterious powers Part 1
Grabbing a freshly cooked corndog Angelina quickly spots a college friend but is not in the mood to talk so she uses her super speed and goes away. Hiding at the back of a dark alleyway she moves deeper and deeper down. A sound then roamed the whole place going, “Slam slam slam!” She jumped up in surprise but see’s that it was an old creaky door opening and closing. There was a strange smell of the dead. But she was too distracted by curiosity. Now Angelina is a curious girl. Angelina is not an ordinary person because she has super speed. Her dream job has always been to become an agent, she has been dreaming of it since she was a little girl. Any way shall we get back to the story.
As Angelina moved closer to the dead end she tiredly sat on a rusty old bin. An old lady appeared out of nowhere asking, “Are you thirsty” Angelina replied, “yes” the old lady then say’s, “Here you go” Giving her a bottle of thick purple juice. She grabbed the bottle and took a quick wiff. It smelt of sweet grapes, blackcurrant and something that she had never smelt before. Before angelina could ask what it was she vanished while saying, “smokebomb” then the air was filled with smoke. She curiously lifted the bottle to her lips and took a sip of the mysterious drink. She then felt nothing happen so she drank every single drop.
The next morning she woke up and felt a sudden urge for a hot chocolate when suddenly in a blink she found herself on the floor of the coffee shop with everyone staring at her. She felt embarrassed and accidentally yelled, “what are you looking at!” But then clamped her mouth closed. She then got up and awkwardly went to the counter and asked, “ 1 hot chocolate please” The smell of chocolate filled the air and tempted angelina even more. Finally, Andrew(the person who was serving her) told her that it was $25.00. She urgently felt into her pocket and screamed, “oh no I left my money at home so she told the guy but Andrew did nothing. Suddenly he spoke saying, “Here you go it’s on the house i'm sure my boss won't mind” But he sounded like a robot. Angelina backed away while slurping her drink. she blinked again and suddenly she was back home.
She then got dressed and left the apartment. In Search of the alleyway to talk to the old lady again.It happened again she was at the alleyway. She said to her self, “I need to speak with her” The air blew with a cold breeze which made her shiver. When she came close to the dead end she used her super speed and in a flash she was at her destination… KEEP IN TOUCH FOR PART TWO OF THE GIRL WITH THE MYSTERIOUS POWERS.
Monday, 19 May 2014
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Malawi and New Zealand Dinner
Here is a menu of food you would be given if you went to Malawi which is located at South Africa. In Malawi they don't have enough food so some people die because of it.
I have come to understand that when you look at these two Menus you can see that NZ has more exciting food to eat. When you look at the Malawi Menu you can see it is plain.
I conclude that Malawi people do not have a lot of different food types. They can only eat what they can grow. They don't eat a lot of meat only on weddings or funerals and other things like that.
Lucy Titanic Research
Researching the Titanic
List some questions that you would like answered?
- What were the dimensions of the Titanic?
- What was the biggest cause of the sinking of the Titanic? Explain...
- How much did it cost to get on the Titanic?
- why did they call titanic?
5. How much does the titanic weigh?
6. What kinds of food did they have?
Find your answers from the below websites:
Insert your information notes below:
Question 1 information:
widht= 92’ height =175 lenght= 882.9
Question 2 information:
They were going to fast that when they spotted the iceberg it was to late.
Question 3 information:
1st class is $4,300 and Third class is only $36
Question 4 information:
It was called the Titanic because Tintanic means strength,power and size and the Titanic is all that.
Question 5 information:
46,000 tons (without the passengers and lugge)
Question 6 information:
75,000 Lbs of fresh meat, 15,000 bottles of beer, 3,500 Lbs of Tomatos and much more
Thursday, 8 May 2014
My trip to Rotorua

We drove up to the street that our hotel was on and then we saw a tree and it was colourful! We got so distracted by it that we missed the hotel! It took a while for us to get back track but we got there. As we walked to the hotel a man appeared and asked if he could take our bags and so he did. My mum checked us in and we went to our rooms which was right down a hallway. Once we were settled in my mum went next door to Anthea to help get dressed while I watched some tv.
The next morning we got dressed and went down for breakfast there was a full buffet! Like bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes and even stuff for the chinese guests. And when we finished our breakfast we went to the car and headed to the farm show that showed us all these types of sheep and the kinds of dogs that you can use to herd sheep. And we also went on a tour around the farm. I had a really fun day and I couldn't wait for tomorrow.
As we got into the car to go to Rainbow springs I was so excited that when we got there I jumped with joy we went all around looking at all the animals you all so get some food to feed the trout. We even got to be in front for the bird show and it was amazing they did all these tricks and stunts. Before we had lunch me and my mum went on the big splash ride it took a while to get in the front of the line but once we got there I was so happy!! On the ride it shows the history of New Zealand and how it first started out and went through to the dinosaurs to the maori and when you get to the end you get to go down this really downwards slide and the people in the front get wet! I had a lot of fun at rainbow springs and I could’couldn't wait to see what was next.
On friday we went to see the geysers. As soon as we got there a man told us that we were late and that the tour of the geyser had already started and suggest to quickly drive over to see if we could see the ending but we were to late people started coming out and heading back to where we just came from so we went back but luckily there was still a walk around the mud pools. There were all these colourful pools and there was another walking track but we didn't go on it until we dropped off Anthea at visitor center because she is on a wheelchair. On the other walks it took me and my mum and hour and a half which was very tiring and all I wanted to do was lie down.
Now it was time to say goodbye and go home so after breakfast and a long time in the pool we packed up my mum checked us out and we left. I had a great time it was so cool at rainbow springs on the big splash I can’t wait till our next holiday.
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
First day back at school
First day back at school its great to see my friends and see what we're learning about this term. We are all gathered in the hall to start the assembly this year its about I like to move it move it. The first we had was team one they are learning about Zoo transport and we're going to the zoo the very next day to compare the that the animals have to what we have then we saw team two there learning about flight like what makes airplanes fly. After that was team three there learning about colours and light and how a glass vase when light shines through it bends the light to make it look like a small rainbow through our eyes.
And now for team four! We are learning about buoyancy and displacing of water which means, when a boat is on the water it is pushing the water back. And now for the last group is team ... Five!! Which are doing sound when they came up to present their item they had made their own music instruments and was playing them which was loud then they showed us their video they made to show us. I really enjoyed the assembly and can't wait to get started.
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