Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
31st of October
List of Halloween Stuff
This what I think about Halloween
Dress up / I think this is for the Trick or Treating and to stop evil spirits eating your souls (if you want to know more about this read my paragraph below)
Candy / For the trick or treaters that come over to your house and say trick or treat
Make up/ To help your costume look better
Decorations/ You can Decorate your house with scary Decorations for Halloween
Trick or Treating/To go to house’s and ask for candy for Halloween
Scary Stuff/Scary stuff is like spiders and snakes or Skeleton’s and ghost’s
Ghost’s/ You can use some for Decoration so it could look scary for the kids when they to your house
Skeleton’s/ You can to the same with the Skeleton’s like with the ghost’s put them around your house like Decorations
Celtic is a sort of calender which shows the light part of the year and the dark part. I think this is the dark part of the year because of Halloween. Days are getting shorter and nights were getting longer. Lemuria was made by the Roman they believed that if they poured milk or gave cakes that the dead would leave them alone.
Here is how the name Halloween formed
Hollows evening
Hollows eve
Please leave a comment. Trick or treat!
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Year 6 Camp
Next week the year 6 are going to Kawau Island for there camp. They will be doing Swimming, Kayaking,Volleyball and a fitness trail and more. I can't wait till next year when I get to go and have fun like the year 6 are doing this year and do some Kayaking I love Kayaking. Here are some photos that are in the camp. Please leave some feed back.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013
The Whisper in The Barn
“Hurry up Kate were going to be late for school” shouted jenny from outside the classroom door they were in room 16. Jenny was waiting for Kate so they could go in together like they always do but this time Kate was late and jenny was very shy she wore classes and had to fish braids in her hair and did not like to be late for class that's why Kate always goes inside with her. There teacher was Mr Harrison he was a very funny man and did not like kids being late all the time. Kate she was a trouble maker and loved to trick other kids like make them look the other way and pour spicy powder on there lunch she was a bad girl. She has one pony tail and hair always comes out of place no matter what you try. She passed room 13 now 14 and she was getting close to 15 and then 16 almost there she thought.
As Kate was running to jenny you could hear what was going on in Kate's bag you could hear stuff crashing into each other and bang into each other again it made lots of noise just like a marching band that was out of tune. "Umm can you pick up the pace I would like to go inside and not get in trouble" said jenny “Don’t worry jenny we won’t get told off this was just the….” last time you two come late and made lots of noise and stopped the whole school from working with that noise I will have to call your parents to sort you two out but Mr Harrison Kate started that was just my lunch box it’s a one of those metal ones and I also have a metal ruler that’s what the noise was not me look Kate said Mr Harrison softly you got stop coming late if you keep on doing that that might mess up your learning okay said Mr Harrison okay replied Kate.
On the way home Kate was walking by herself she mostly walks home with jenny but her mum picked her up from school. I don’t think that her mum wants her to play with me any more we are best friends thought Kate but I guess that I'm just not the right person for her to be friends. When she got home she heard a whisper that said come to me child come to me…… then the voice faded and she got the key from under the mat and opened the door and looked around the house no one was home then she heard it again but this time it said I am in the barn come to the barn….. it faded again her family lived on a farm but it was closed so her mum brought so they could live on the farm.
As Kate entered the barn she saw a little girl there and she ran away Kate chased her to find out who she was and shouted come back come back then she lead Kate into a corner and Kate said where did you go the splash a bucket of water fell on her she looked and saw her class mates, her teacher, her mum and even jenny was there then they all came down and helped Kate dry up then she saw the little girl who was jenny little sister Jane was very good at acting because jenny plays pretend with her and then jenny told her that this was all a fake but not getting into trouble and t the kids wanted to find out what happened if they did that to you and you fell for it.
After Kate but on fresh new clothes and dried off jenny told her about the whole thing the whisper was just your mum whispering into the microphone which was part of the speakers that your a dad installed and hide them and we all climbed the ladder to the top and Jane stayed at the bottom and the reason I had to go was I had to help Jane get ready and go to your house and the plan was that Jane would lead you here and the class would splash the bucket of water on you. But why would you do that! said Kate well it was just for fun replied jenny what?! said Kate in stoked jenny always had a reason for everything but I guess not today.
Friday, 1 November 2013
The plane Emergence

“You girls ready yet we don’t want you to miss your flight!” Shouted Mum all the way from the car. Were ready replied Leila me too shouted Kate to her mum the same time and raced outside and got into the car good let’s go said and drove off the drive way and went off. I cant wait to see aunt Zoe again said Kate she always has something fun to do said Leila as they hoped out of the car. Now you be good now you to said mum make sure that you help your aunty tears came down her face oh mum are you crying again said Kate. No there just something in my eye of course I'm crying girl what did you think mum said. So Leila and Kate said there goodbyes went inside the airport.
They got out there passports and went to the lady at the counter her badge said Lucy. Lucy explained that they will be boarding on there plane soon and they were on seat F12 and F13. So Kate and Leila ran to there flight number it was 1529 and looked out there window and saw a plane that shone in the sun and on the side said Air New Zealand. After waiting were just in time to board and went inside and found there seats. Kate got to sit next to the window and Leila was next to her. Won’t this be fun we get to see are aunt Zoe said Kate Leila? are you okay oh sorry yay I'm fine just thinking about stuff oh okay said Kate and they took off as they were taking of Kate and Leila got out there books and started to read.
as they were reading Leila looked like she had just thrown up and didn't say a word all she did was stare at her book and then she dropped her book and fell off her chair. Leila are you okay she said nothing then Kate ran to the flight adtent and said my sister she fell off her chair and she isn't waking up oh no I’ll tell the pilot to land to the nearest airport the flight adent and after a 5 minutes they found a airport and landed after that two men boarded the air plane and went up to Kate where is your sister Kate didn't say anything she just pointed to her sister on the floor.
After that they went to the hospital. It took a while before Kate could come in. When she did she saw her sister awake and in bed and Kate ran up to her and gave her a huge hug and said I called Aunt Zoe and she’ll be here in a few hours don’t worry everything is going to be fine.”Thanks Kate that makes me feel a bit better now” a few days later Aunt Zoe burst though the doors of the room and ran up to Leila and started to say all these things but after a while she got her self back together.
Aunt Zoe talked with the doctor and came back to the room and said that Leila had diabetes and she will be fine if she eats the right food. Leila got out of hospital the next day and was given a little machine that checks her blood. When they got to aunt Zoe house the first thing they did was have a rest. When they got home they told there mum all about what happened she was fine after having a nap that makes her feel better when something bad happens. Kate and Leila were fine they went back to school told there friends what happens and that was that.
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